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Attack misses


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I've recently started over again with Kotor2 and read Gamebanshee's guide on the perfect Sith Assassin which said I had to chose a Jedi Sentinal at first (wow, really?!) and use these starting att's:

STR 10, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 12 and upgrading DEX asap while leaving STR for what it is. Now with DEX 18 and STR 10 at a level 11 char I'm supposed to do some nice damage with guns and also chop enemies fine in seconds with melee weapons if I have the Melee Finesse skill, which I have.

Now my biggest problem is, the damage I do makes you cry and I miss like 90% of all times, with melee weapons and with ranged ones. I've bought the best weapons at the Weapon dealer in Khoonda but when I'm alone it takes me 2 whole minutes to kill one Kinrath!! With ranged or with melee weapons.

I don't know whether this is normal or not and I'd like to know what my problem is.


Thanks in advance,


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Not sure. Those sound like stats that I would give any ranged fighter and I usually get excellent results from my gunners. Aside from that, I have also used the Sentinel/Watchmen/Assassin combo and have not encountered the problems described here. So the question begs, "any mods?"...

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No mods, I've screwed around with the savegame editor for a while but the problem described comes with clean 'unmessed' savegames.

I've tried some more since my post but it's just crazy! The damage I do is horrible, whether it's ranged or melee, that is... if I hit at all!

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I've got the seconds class dueling so one vibroblade in the primary hand should be quite effective. But I get the strange feeling I screwed up myself by having STR 10 and DEX 18 instead of STR 16 or so though the "Assassin Guide" said I would even do more dmg with high DEX and low STR if I had the Finesse feats, which I do have but my char even has trouble taking out a lame kath hound :s


I thougt about starting all over again and erasing my saves but if I restart with STR 10 and DEX 16 (Sentinel Class) I don't know whether it will work or if I have the same trouble again. I'm not the most professional Kotor player in the galaxy but I'm 100% sure this is not the way it's supposed to be. My experience with Kotor 1 and 2 tells me My char should be way more effective at range and also melee then it is at the moment.

I have a fresh install of the game, no mods, no strange things.. just the usual, sometimes low FPS when certain light effects and smoke has to be displayed but I can live with that.

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What force powers are you using? My first playthrough was with a dual-wielding, 80-pound-weakling LS consular (started with something like 14 dex, 10 str, 8 con, and a ton of wisdom/charisma). Unboosted, that character was horrible at combat. But with a quick casting of Force Enlightenment (primarily for master speed), I was quite effective in melee... typically using force wave against a room of enemies, and picking them off individually with critical strike after they're stunned.


The lack of strength definately impeded my damage output; force powers were the key to compensating for it.

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The way I am playing the game right now is that I'm not supposed to rely on Force powers for now, that's something for later on since I've put all my att's into DEX and my Force pool is kinda small atm, 4 times lightning and I'm done with Forces and I'm lucky if those don't get resisted. I've got the feeling I messed up my attributes though I did exactly as written in the guide/tutorial and the dude who wrote that said he finished the game like written down so.. Don't know what the problem is, hope some kinda KOTOR pro around here can help me out ar least say what I've done wrong.


Achilles, I've got the feeling you know quite some things about KOTOR(2) seen your xp with modding and stuff so please give it your best shot and spit out an helpful answer :p

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Originally posted by master jedi101

due if you r having a prob with it forget the guide do what u think is right not some other guys way, it so boring when people do things other players way.


Thanks, that was one hell of an inspiring answer :rolleyes:

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Are you using the standard or a special attack? Flurry and power attack aren't so great at lower levels. You can also look at your combat log if you get penalties for some reason.


I don't think it is your attributes alone. The strength modifier is applied to the to-hit and damage bonus. With finesse, the dex bonus is used, if it is higher, for the to-hit bonus. It does not affect the damage bonus. So taking a high strength instead of dexterity/finesse won't make you hit more often, but with more damage. I would still take strength unless you want to use blasters or make an acrobat that can evade attacks well.

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I've started all over again with a fresh new char since I messed up some quests (got LS but I wanted DS :p ).

Now exactly the same problem is groing! I'm at Citadel Station atm using a Zabrak Vibrosword, Melee Finesse, STR 10, DEX 18.

Again I miss a lot (the tougher the opponent, the more I miss) and the attacks that do hit are sad.. I do like 10% HP dmg to one where I would kill him in one slash if I had STR 16 or 18. My goal is to go for a swift and agile Sith Assassin that indeed evades most attacks instead of taking a lot of damage like I'm doing now :s

If I remind correctly high DEX mod's mean high evasion and high hit rate, well the opposite is true, opponents always hit me (and they do it hard!) and I miss a lot.

My hit chance and evasion are worser then T3-M4's :s

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This is strange indeed...Are you playing on the hard setting?

But that shouldn't matter much anyway...


The blaster doing little damage has happened to me before but vibroblades...weird. The Zabrak vibroblade doesn't do that much damage anyway.


What are your hit-rates and damage dealing capabilities now(numbers please)?

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STR 13, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 12


For my next playthrough, I intend to start the game with CON 14, CHA 12, and all others at 13, devoting my attribute point attained every 4th level towards CON. Doing so will make CON 18 by PC level 16, thereby enabling the use of the top shelf implants which boost the other attributes.

The main reason for homogenizing the other attributes and devoting the points solely to CON is the hope that the PC will not miss out on any of the attribute dependent dialog options within the game.

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Hmm, didnt't think about that one.. maybe I should do that.


However, normally the STR mod's are added to the dmg done with melee weapons but with the Finesse skill the DEX mod's are added if DEX is higher than STR. I have the Finesse skill and my DEX is higher than STR but the I don't get the mod's from DEX added to the dmg when equipped with melee weapons, is it bugged or something?

I'm using the US version, don't know if it's important to know.

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I think there must be something wrong.


I played with a char with only 8 strength! Thats -1 damge (big deal)...


I got finesse feat for lightsabre, and she was fine, used greater flurry and chopped that crap out of things.


I missed Finesse melee since I saw it as a wasted feat. No way would she be using a crummy metal sword for longer than she had to. Hope this helps.



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I'm lvl 11 Sentinel now, don't have my lightsaber yet but is it normal a kinrath does between 30 and 45 dmg per regular hit to the char's with STR 10 and DEX 16/18, I do notice the chars with high DEX and low STR are very weak at melee attacks and are very weak against incoming melee attacks, evading blaster fire is no problem for my high DEX chars but they suck at melee, even though they have both the Finesse skills. My char, visas, atton, kreia.. just name it, they all have high DEX low STR and a single kinrath only has to hit them 3 or 4 times and they are from 100% HP to 0% HP

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