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Unlocking HK Story?


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Is there a way to unlock HK's story as a light-sider? I've noticed that as a light-sider, HK exhibits disgust towards you as soon as he meets, while as a dark-sider, as soon as you first speak, he revels in the fact that you are a "generator of random acts of cruelty." Now, considering how many experience points and other bonuses you get from unlocking HK's story, I would definitely not mind taking the dark side hit to get those bonuses as a light side character. What I want to know is, is it even posible to unlock those dialogue options as a light sider, or are they not even available?

Thanks for any help!

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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

Now, considering how many experience points and other bonuses you get from unlocking HK's story, I would definitely not mind taking the dark side hit to get those bonuses as a light side character. What I want to know is, is it even posible to unlock those dialogue options as a light sider, or are they not even available?

Thanks for any help!


There are no force alignment checks in HK-47s conversations determining if he wishes to speak with you. That is entirely controlled by your influence with him. It is difficult to gain influence with him without ending up with darkside points as well though.

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