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KOTOR II/Empire Strikes Back


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OK everybody (slight exaggeration) who is complaining about KOTOR II being `incomplete` just hold up. lets look at the larger picture - this is obviously the middle of a trilogy of games the next being KOTOR III (ala the star wars trilogy).


the story is incomplete to build suspense for the next one. George Lucas states in the DVD edition of The Empire Strikes Back that it has no climax at the end because to have one would make things in the next movie more complex.


these are my thoughts anyway.


(btw Empire was met with somewhat the same reaction of KOTOR II when it came out in cinemas ,albeit without the complaints about bugs,)

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I am glad this question resurfaced, because now I can rant about the storyline again! Whooopeee!


Let's see. Empire Strikes Back can be seen and enjoyed as a stand-alone movie. It has a premise and a beginning. It says in the text in the beginning that Vader searches for Luke. Then we are introduced to the characters, then the setting (it is war and the rebels are hard-pressed) then it is story-time as the characters adventure around and are developed. Then the climax, where Vader finds Luke, fights him and reveals his deep, dark secret to him. On the other side, Han and Leia fall in love, just to have Han frozen in carbonite and be taken away by a bounty hunter. The bounty hunter escapes with Han and Han's old pal Lando Calrissian together with Han's sidekick Chewbacca fly away, with the specific mission of finding and rescuing Han (pointing to the next movie). Meanwhile Luke gets a new hand and goes to put his hand around leias shoulders and say something encouraging like "They'll find him, don't worry".


So even though the Empire Strikes Back doesn't have a final ending, it does have closure. All the characters fates are shown, on-screen and the premise for the next one is set, or can be surmised.


If TSL was Empire Strikes Back it would have been like this: The Millennium Falcon arrives at Cloud City and they meet Lando who takes them to the dining hall and there is Vader CUT to Dagobah where Luke receives a vision and he goes to Cloud City and fights Vader, gets his ass kicked, falls down a shaft and then comes the Millennium Falcon and it flies away, then the credits roll without showing any of the other characters.


Or if you want the DS ending for the Empire Strikes Back, then Luke kills Vader and throws him down the shaft of Cloud City, then the credits roll.


Yeah, those two endings would really have made a great middle-part of a trilogy… riiiight.


The complete lack of closure and followup of the characters fates or further goals, makes it a bad middle part and completely unrewarding.


There is a difference between a cliffhanger ending and a pointless ending. One involves a rich storyline which is dropped and forgotten, 15 minutes before the ending and the other one involves a rich storyline which is developed until the very end.

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I completely agree with montnoir. I just have to add in that by watching only TESB you get to see all the important characters, however when playing only TSL you just wonder 'who the hell is Revan?'. You don't get to know anything about Revan, apart from the fact that Revan is important. Obi-Wan makes an appearance, but not as main character, whereas Revan does make an appearance as main character, but his appearance means absolutely nothing. More like 'Revan is the strongest Jedi in the galaxy, but Revan is on vacation, so it's up to you' and 'you are nothing Revan is everything' and that's it.


The TSL DS ending is more something like


The Exile looks down into the pit or something like that and shouts 'Are you dead?' and from the bottom of the pit Kreia shouths 'Yes I'm dead' and the Exile shouts down 'OK, I guess that's it, I'll just wait here for ever'



Ending scroll


Or the LS Ending


[Exile] You can die now.

[Kreia] OK, I'll just do that.

[Exile] I just go off to find Revan, it doesn't really matter that I just killed 3 Sith lords, does it? I mean it's not like I saved the Republic or something, or that anything I have done matters.


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