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Force Power Mod Question


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I'm almost done with a *hopefully* unique new force power.

I have read the tutorials.


What do I need to do to fix this:


When you level up, on the force power selection screen:


1) My new force power appears on its own line, but a copy of the icons for Disable and Destroy Droid appear to the right of it.

Its exactly like a copy of the Droid tree was made and my power appears where Stun Droid would be. I'm guessing it has to do with spells.2da??



2) The Force Power description text that appears in the right frame is for Knight Speed. How can I alter the text to describe my force power.




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Originally posted by DarthSilius

When you level up, on the force power selection screen:


1) My new force power appears on its own line, but a copy of the icons for Disable and Destroy Droid appear to the right of it.

Its exactly like a copy of the Droid tree was made and my power appears where Stun Droid would be. I'm guessing it has to do with spells.2da??


Make sure that the forcehostile (if it's an offensive power) or forcefriendly (if its a defensive/buff power) column in spells.2da contains an unique number for your force power.


Each "family" of powers has its own number in that column, and by your description I would guess that it currently reads "1" in your spells.2da (representing the Stun/Stasis family of powers).


This is used together with the Pips column to determine where the force power is represented in the force power list. (1 pip = left, 2 pips = center, 3 pips = right in the arrow list)


Originally posted by DarthSilius

2) The Force Power description text that appears in the right frame is for Knight Speed. How can I alter the text to describe my force power.


You'll have to change the "spelldesc" column to point to the string containing your new description. The numbers in that column are StrRefs, that is index numbers in the dialog.tlk file.


You'll have to add your description to dialog.tlk, take note of what ID it is saved under and then input that id in spells.2da.

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