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Strategies to advance tech levels


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I am a newbie to this type of game and I have noticed that the players that I play against get to the next tech levels way quicker than me, since this is the case I need some tips......let's start from the default level


1.) How many workers should I build and what resources should I go after first (how many workers on food, carbon, etc.?) to get to tech level 2 the quickest?

2.) When should I build a troop center and how many troops should I start with?

3.) What is the point of the animal nursery? I have only seen the nerfs a couple of times and when I put them in there and click on the building it says something like 5.5 under the food column, what does this mean? the only thing I have really noticed is the ability to create mounted riders, but from playing the game they die really really easily.

4.) Has anyone noticed any advantage that the Rebels or Empire have in certain areas?

5.) Why does the demo have the option to upgrade the Jedi/Sith conversion when you can't create masters until tech level 4 and the friggin demo won't let you get there anyway, this is a waste of resources to me.

6.) Lastly, what does the "last man standing" option mean? Does this only affect the ability to team up? because I selected this part and the monument in the middle of the map was "won" and there were still 3 players left.............this is definately not "last man standing."




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Guest porkins14

OK, Here goes:


1. I usually start building a house(or whatever the building is called that allow more population),and I start building villagers. I get as many as I can on the berrires, which i build a food center next to. by the time I am done with villagers I like to have about 8 on food and 8 on carbon. There is no need to mine the other stuff in tech 1. I then build a troop center, and i upgrade while I am spitting out troops.


2. See the end of part one


3. Animal nurseries are to garrison nerfs. You probably need to scout more so you can find more, you'll want to have like 6-8 in there for it to be real effective.


4. Actually nobody has and advantage because without tech level 4 none of the upgrades are available. When the game comes out, rebs will be way better in air, while emp will be way better in mechs. They are both strong in troops.


5. I dont exactly understand the question, because Jedi Knights can convert units. The only upgrades I see in the temple are agility, and range.


6. Not sure, but I know in the demo it is impossible to play any mode except for monument. When I play me and my opponents agree to forget the monument and play to the death.


Hope that was helpful

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Thanks alot, I guess I screwed up with the jedis then, I was talking about the range upgrade


1.) so basically you can convert stormtroopers for example? If you are playing using the blue rebels and you convert a red stromtrooper with a jedi knight, does the red stormtrooper become a blue stormtrooper or a blue rebel soldier?



Anyways thanks for all of the info, I was mining the nova and the puple stuff (I forget what it is called) when I first started. Now I see what a dumb arse I have been, oh well, I guess that is why I am a newbie.

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Later on when you start to battle, you can build multiple troop centers and other buildings that produce military units, start making as many as you can until the building reaches its queue. Now when you start battle and begin loosing men, your buildings will start making more. The more building you have queued up to make the better, as long as you can afford them.

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Guest Paladin

I had an awesome army once.

It consisted of 5 AT-STs (the caged ones), 10 pre AT-ATs,

12 troopers and 2 jedi knights.

I won that game.

That was really fun.

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