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plant the listening device

Guest Bruticus99

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Guest Bruticus99

I can not complete the listening device mission. Aeron get's on board the ship and everything is destoryed, but the mission goals still do not say completed for her mission and I can not target the hyper bouy. Any help would be greatfully appreciated.

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Guest Darth Massacator

Question One: Did you install the latest patch? I know the latest patch addressed some bugs with some of the missions having problems. But I can't remember which missions it fixes.


If you already have the patch, lemme know and I'll try and remember what ya have to do.

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i had problems with this mission also, what i did is kill the A/S just after it launched the first wave of stormtroopers. Than i killed them and waited. The only other problem is that the tie fighters may try to destroy the satellite which happened to me 2 times before i killed them and went thru the hyperbuoy

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Guest Fondas

Funny, I replied that mission yesterday, which reminded me why it had caused me so much frustration ! The secret is to intercept the Z/G troopers as far from Aeron as possible AND ignore the ones that are targeting you.



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