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family Mission 4---again ( target problems)


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Okay---I try destroying all the razors in the spice drop-off mission but have a very difficult time targeting and hitting the fighters...at best I think I have destroyed maybe 2---I try to destroy the cargo ships and had a little bit of luck with that---If I destroy the station will it ante up my kills to 25%? Do I need a better joystick ro faster computer? The gameplay stutters (not smooth because of Computer speed...would this affect the targeting?)




(PS--I flew the Millenium Falcon in the sim and set up about 6 razor fighters for targets and killed 4 with no prob---does the falcon fly and fire better than a standard yt-1300??

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Don't bother with the station, it will gain you nothing. It's worth just as much percentage-wise as any other ship, and takes much longer to destroy.


A faster computer and better joystick would probably help you a lot. What are your system specs?


And yes, the Falcon is much better than the regular YT-1300.

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