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Please Help ! Xp Installation Probs


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I love GF, playing it many times years ago. Now, of course i only have XP and can't get it working.


I click on install in the loader, setup.exe and every other way available. Each way brings the same result of NOTHING happening, setup.exe will be in taskbar for a little bit, then go away.


I've tryed differant compatibilitys, copying autoexec.nl + others to system32, disabling hyper threading, copying cd-rom to hard drive and running it direct. I've scoured google and these sort of GF sites, all to no avail.

I dont understand, many people say they installed GF on XP flawlessly. :(


PLEASE HELP . I'd appreciate any and all suggestions as it seems that most people with XP needed only to do a little something to get it going....



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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I had the same problem.


None of the executables worked for me. After some testing, I realized my CD image was locked somehow (by some other program accessing it) or even corrupt.


Are your SETUP.EXE icon correctly displayed with a Lucas Arts symbol?


Check the other run issues also if you get this to work...



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