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Hello there,just a question,and requesting

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my name is evan jay ashopenace



I was just wondering if any one knew how 2 make the saber blade's flicker like kotor ?


and im requesting a model for a persole use its I want a Jedi Tonic like Obi wans in EpIII and same cloths.but with a jedi padawan hair style like

anakin Episode 2 model hair style.... and a Cloak hooded and none hooded the cloak color light brown....and I want the Normal Jaden Head but the black one on it, color of hair style black and skin color light brown veery light :smash: <---- like that hammer in that emoton thing .

for the boots make them brown and pants make them light black.


and height size of Jedi Trainer


and for the second model is a jedi youngling and teenage jedi padawan


the youngling is with a Jedi Tonic like obi wan kenobie's and anakins most of them with a jedi padawan hair style and for the jedi youngling is small like a the Yoda model.


and for teenage jedi padawan

the cloths like the Anakin cloths like from episode 2 of star wars same hair style like anakin and the height like a Jawa size . and cloak like anakins in episode 2 hooded and none hooded.

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