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Star Wars RPG idea/question


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A game totally devoid of the Force and lightsabers might not be so good because I love using them, but a game with a choice about whether or not you want to be a Jedi would be good; replayability would be awesome.


Trouble is, though, that there would have to be a reduction in Force-wielding enemies you meet and the boss couldn't really be a Dark Jedi because what chance does a bounty hunter, scout, smuggler have against that? At the same time, not having Force-wielding enemies might get boring if you do decide to be a Jedi.

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Nobody says that you have to use your force powers in K1 and/or K2. Put on some armor, grab a blaster, and go to town. Just because you have force powers doesn't mean you have to use them.


That would mean artificially handicapping yourself in order to fit within the story. I want the actual story to revolve around a non Force sensitive PC. You can't do that in K1 or K2 because even if you use the editor to change your PC to a non Force sensitive, the story and the dialogue still referred to you as a Jedi, and everything and everyone reacted to you as if you were a Jedi.

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yea, you should be able to choose at the start weather to be a Jedi and go killing sith lords, or a trooper/general or something (could go up in ranks throught story?)/ scoundral, and go through with out facing any dark jedi, but occaisonly meeting jedi and having a chance to add them to your party.

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I was going to post and say that perhaps there should be a non force using PC option for K3, then it occured to me that it's just not going to happen. The whole KOTOR storyline revolves around the force, jedi, sith, and the true sith. It just wouldn't make any sense for K3's PC to not be a jedi or a sith. Perhaps in some other Star Wars game, but not in K3.

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I was going to post and say that perhaps there should be a non force using PC option for K3, then it occured to me that it's just not going to happen. The whole KOTOR storyline revolves around the force, jedi, sith, and the true sith. It just wouldn't make any sense for K3's PC to not be a jedi or a sith. Perhaps in some other Star Wars game, but not in K3.


That's another good point that I'm not sure I touched upon. I think it would take a different overall story setting for my game idea to work. The KOTOR series is about Jedi vs. Sith and would not be a good time to implement what I originally proposed. Which is why I said it is crucial for the writer (or writers) to come up with a story and time period when having a non Force sensitive PC and possibly non Force sensitive antagonist makes sense.


The early days of the Empire/Rebellion would work since you could craft a story on the Outer Rim where presumably there weren't any Jedi, and since Vader and the Emperor were the only Sith, they'd be consolidating their power on Coruscant and probably weren't too bothered with the outer reaches of space (atleast at the beginning).


But regardless, my idea was for a new SW RPG. Not as part of the KOTOR series because it wouldn't fit within the story arc of KOTOR.

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