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Making an MI1/MI2 style point and click........immense silliness.....................

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It happens every couple of years.........I either play Monkey Island 1 or 2, or see some screenshots, hear some music and I'm away........I beaver away for months making my own point and click adventure........just to realise that:-


a) It's rubbish

b) I've neglected my business so am now in trouble with the bank

c) The wife and kids are packed up and ready to leave


The last time was about 4 years ago, I beavered away for nigh on two years.........just to realise it was absolute rubbish and just stopped............I sold my MI1 and MI2 CD's and tried to live a normal life again....


........but the bugs bitten again............I downloaded a game called Cirque De Zale............and it's soooo similar in style to MI1 and MI2, I just had to start tinkering with new game locations, playing around with sprite editors and stuff..........now I'm living back in 1991 and desperate for my Monkey Island fix..........not that updated MI3/MI4 fix.........but a REAL slice of classic gaming!!!


.....it could all end in tears again.........but as I'm nearing 30, I've a fresh perspective on life..........something I didn't have before.........an ability to leave the damn thing alone should I get creative block or are just sick of it................should I go ahead with it.........should I dare to hope that I'll create the ultimate Monkey Island fan game.........?


Probably not, but I might just try...........hey what's so bad about reducing my nights sleep from six hours to four?!! By the way, anyone know and good musicians...........who'd be willing to offer some of their own midis based on a say 5-10 screen game demo?


.........if I should ever complete this project........I'm having my memory wiped so I can play the thing!

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