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WANTED! Your stories

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

With a total revamp of SWGalaxies.net long overdue, I am asking those of you playing the game to send in your stories.


Whats your profession? How often do you play? Are you prepared to send in monthly updates outling what you have been upto in the world of Star Wars Galaxies?


Post away your interest



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Here is something I did when BEs where new. In fact I was one of the first on Tempest.


Very few people know about BE, or DNA sampling.


When the Grand Healer Rope first came out, I bought the second one made, the first one the tailor kept. players thought we were witches or something other than regular players.


I made a macro the ran:


/sample emote "Uses the Force"


Which looked like, in those days:


"Player Name uses the force" and the creature would fall over dead after the second or third sample.


So without a weapon, Id be killing these creatures, to the other players It looked like I was a force witch and they would run like girls!


At that time there where only 3 BEs, and wee all had fun with it.


BTW they changed the dying to agro, and its not funny any more


Oh yeah there were no Jedi yet, so no one knew what the force was about

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:vsd: lol i started back in 2003 with the name of MULLET.... dont exactly remember which server i was on but if you ever saw me it was on tattoine... made creature handler and rifleman and teras kasi artist... i think the funnest i had was creature handler cause id go out and tame lil kreetles and then as i got farther bocatts and such and when i had too many id walk around and see people asking for help... answer there questions then give them a pet and tell them to raise it well.... and when i heard the secret about learning the force powers and becoming a jedi *shhhhh forcecompatiblity!* it was at the time of the imperial lockdown when there was increased imperial activity even in the rebellion areas... ticked me off that i was a wookie and we only had one kinda armor back then.... so i couldnt go out and get it cause thered be like 8 st's to a group then youd have the player characters with the st's and lol if you spat or kicked a st then you got fined a bunch of credits and had to respawn... but now the empire has thrived and im goign to start playing again so ladies and gentlemen.... beware.... your new emperor shall be arriving soon



all hail the galactic empire

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there!


I've been playing StarWars: Galaxies since the begining of 2004. Through all the trials and trivializations I continue to find my way through the game...


My character is one of the few Female Rodians on the heaviest popluated server Bria which has been progressed into the disciplines of a Jedi. (there was another who had long quit)


The process started out as a Smuggler/Weaponsmith bent on bringing illicit weapons to further the acts of destruction favored by the Rodians. As spice became less intresting and destruction more addicting I progressed into the arts of killing at close range - swordman. Being a Master Weaponsmith allowed for high quality killing utensiles while fetching me a fair income.


My primary character, Female Rodian "Mindspat", can be located around Bria wrecking havok to the nay-sayers caught in my path of destruction!!


I'm currently seeking adventerous tasks which are above my difficulty level so to yeild an award coupled with risk. I tend to navigate the planets while partaking in the Galactic Civil War in support of the rebel's efforts to abolish the evil oppresion of the Empire.


My character's images may be viewed here: http://www.swgalaxies.net/fanimage/index.php?function=usergal&id=14005

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