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[REQ] Altered Ossus Keeper Robe


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My abilities are limited to simple reskins - so I'm sadly clueless when it comes to making new objects from old models.


I was wondering if someone would be able to make a robe for me that has the stats of the Ossus Keeper robe but uses the model for Atris' robes. Specifically, I'd like it for an Asian female PC.


If it's something I could do myself (keeping in mind that I'm not so clever in this area), instructions would also be welcome.


Thanks to all in advance.



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You're ih luck. This request is pretty simple to do, it has tutorials already written, and you seem willing to try give it a try with some help :)


This link should help you with editing the robe properties.



And this one will help you figure out how to make Atris body model (her robes) available to other players.



Both of these resources were created for KotOR, however they (should) work just fine with TSL. Feel free to post questions if you need a point clarified or if you hit a snag.

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