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Level points


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I said I'll come back when I have problems so here I am :)

(don't be shy, just ask - One of my teachers)


I'm making player classes to my mod and now I want to have some kind of level points for class-abilities. Like 4 different levels for each ability/speciality (weapons dmg, granade type, speed, jump, health/armor etc).


I need some help with doing that.

What cvars I must create and how to store the data of each player?


Thanks for your help,

Jufa :)

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hmm.. that didn't come to my mind :o

but i need help with making that experience and level and skill-things.


Players would get exp by killing and when they have enough exp they get level and then they can put those points to different skills like weapon damage and force powers.


(btwn, would you add me to your MSN messenger? I added you so pop-up should appear :) )

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I also need help with setting forcepowers.

It seems like this line doesn't work:

client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH] = FORCE_LEVEL_1;


Ooh, I was working on a raccoonking cheat from JK just a couple days ago :). If they don't initially have the force power then try this:


ent->client->ps.fd.forcePowersKnown |= (1 << FP_PUSH);

ent->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH] = FORCE_LEVEL_1;


This should work.

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