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New Republic Marines

Guest Flaming_Blade

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Guest Flaming_Blade

Sorry, I have been MIA for awhile, lots of things to do, work , school, girlfriend, you get the drift. But now I am getting back into the grove of the Squadron. SO what have I missed? And when I am not able to be reached, Hit4Cycle is in command of the NRM. But we have slots for more pilots, so visit our sight today at http://kidsros.home.mindspring.com/ Okay, will see ya'll later. Carry on. SEMPER FI!!!



"Hey,it's me!" "Marines don't die, they just go to hell and regroup"

First to Fight, First to Die, SEMPER FI!!



Commandant Kyle Mandure, CO of the NRM




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Guest Fel Crynyd

This is nice to know!



Commander Fel Crynyd

XO of Hope Squadron

New Republic Marines

Wow, General, I never considered you the frontal assult type!




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