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neeed help please


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ok i go this game 1 day ago i installed it as you do disabling anti virus like it says then i create account fine downloads loads of stuff then i thought evrything was set up i go to play game and it takes me back out with this error:SWGClientSetup_r we have detected a client crash. if you have not recently done so we recommend that you try full scan ( which i have numerous amounts of times) from the launch pad to check the integrity of the files. i have tried evrything reinstalled like 5 times disable the firewall when tried too enter permited evrything there i looked all over the forums and havnt found anything please can you try telling me what the problom is also, this is a american game i bought off a website im thinking maybe if thats the problom but it shudnt be as i played a american version of WoW so please reply quikly.

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IF you call or e-mail Sony, they will tell you to remove the program, run scan disk and defrag then reload it.


Also check to make sure you have lots of open memory. shut down ALL but your sound, and joystick if you use it to fly. 512 is the min I go with 1g, there is a big difference in preformence onece you are in.

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