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Guest Flimy

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Guest Flimy

I know what your thinki8ng, based on the title: this is a Space Fighter Sim! There is no Roleplaying. But, what I am trying to do is get some people together to roleplay a squadron regualarly (say, once a week at a certain day or time). We would create characters, and stay in character while in the game. I will be the commanding officer. I will need a second, and other squadronmates. What we would do is fly a mission or two every time we meet, and have continuity in our missions. For example, on week, we may capture a space station. The next, we may defend it from attackers. Then, we may strike the attackers to get revenge. We would work up a stroy as we went, and possibly post what happened on a website so others could see the story. I'm really just dumping all of this here, but it is quite fun in practice (I've done it on a smaller scale from time to time). Email me or reply here if you are at all interested.



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