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Win 98 Sound Issues


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Please help me! I recently had the fortune of being given an old PIII 930Mhz PC

So obviously the first thing you do on an old machine like that is install Win 98 and crank out all your best and oldest games, the first being G.F. (As I have the old, non-XP edition bought very long time ago)


So I installed G.F. and the patch Gfupd101.exe and ran the game. Hurrar it worked, all except for the sound in video clips. Fortunatly you CAN get by without the sound for those parts, but it means that I miss out on my favorite part, Glottis talking about soaring like eagles, on pogo-sticks.


Therefore any suggestions?


Full Spec

PIII 930Mhz

Win 98 SE (with all updates from Windows Update)

DirectX 9.0c (could this be the problem, do I need to "downgrade" this to 6?)

384Mb RAM

On board graphics and sound (both with latest drivers from the Intel site, mobo and chip both from Intel)

20Gb HDD (with about 15Gb free)


I am also now running this launcher to run the game of the HDD to see if that fixed it, but it doesn't.


Please help!

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