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Mass dismemberment in JA multiplayer?


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Yeah I know you get a lot of these...


I know how to get dismemberment working, but is it possible to set it up so dismemberment in multiplayer can be the same in single player?


i.e. being able to chop off every body part after death instead of just a single arm for example, I've currently got a bloodmod going and im trying to get maximum carnage when a few friends and I go up against 30 bots :).

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You can't chop off multiple body parts after the person dies in MP. Sorry, it just hasn't been done yet.


Also, you can only chop off ONE body part, unless it's the Boba Fett Model, in which case you can hack off his torso from the rest of his body (head and legs!) due to a glitch (but a cool one, heh). You can tell because his head appears to move along with his legs, as if it's still attached to an invisible torso portion... while the torso lays apart from it.


What you're seeing in OJP is the "gib" feature. See, if you blast somebody with a secondary Concussion Rifle shot, Flechette primary shot... these can dismember people (on a fatal hit). All explosives can gib people (multiple dismemberments). But sabers only cut off one part (again, unless it's Fett).


Also sometimes if you fall into a "fatal" pit you get gibbed.


I can't remember if this feature can be turned off or not. But join up Meatgrinder OJP server http://strategy.jediknight.net/jka/server_status.shtml to see it in action!

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