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i've decided i'm mostly done with jka hacking, so i'd like to donate the redslushie source to OJP



IM me whenever and i'll give you a link to it.. i just don't want to release the counter cheat stuff i did as it would defeat the purpose of doing it in the first place.



i've got a few good ideas up my sleeve yet, so if i ever get around to building them i'll probably release them back to ojp as well.

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I'll admit that I don't have experience with doing that sort of thing. Exactly what are you suggesting, having the cpp code be a seperate shared library file? I'm not sure how practical that would be since the AI code has to call the cpp code in several places.

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no, you would compile the C++ code you need into a .so, toss out that .so and keep the .o files it generates, include those .o files int he build for your server, but in the server code have a .h where it has all of the headers for your C++ object

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  Tinny said:
Will you include those files in the release of the source code? Oh btw, when I tried to play the latest version of Red Slushie from pcgamemods.com (i think) it kept crashing every time I tried to load up a map :/


pcgamemods.com link is corrupted i believe. try one of these:

imo 1.2 is a little old but thats all that that is released because of many things we keep getting caught up in and i no longer work with stubert.




http://force-crusaders.org/~ctf/download/dodatki/RedSlushie_1.2.zip (euro)




edit: i sent u a link in pm what i am doing now but dont mention anything of it out of pm please.

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Bummer that you're quitting, but ah well. All good things...


And very generous of you to donate your code! I hear you've turned away from the abusive commands lately, so as long as those don't end up in OJP I think the mod will be richer for your donation! Kudos man.

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i did not donate the code,, stubert did by himself (without asking) and its pre-1.3 code so yeah. not much there for you to look at. i quit because of him imo. i took my stuff and doing my own thing, as of right now i added:


- censor for name and chat (server side)

- took out jk2++ and redid a normal admin system

- fixed the reward bug

- Some Duel "Tournament" bugs

- Some map_restart bugs

- a new version of va() named va2() which uses a circular list to prevent using previous strings.

- Took the 20 max client to send for scoreboard out.

- /freecam_current command sets the freecam variables to your current origin/angles.

- Admins can now use callvote even if its disabled.

- Admins are immune to inactivity timer.

- em_subban 0/1 to allow or not allow /admin addip ; /admin removeip for subadmins

- Excellent, Impressive, and Saberkill rewards are on the scoreboard in FFA:


- Map Config Support for Server and Client.

- em_allowMelee [0/1/2] 0=dont spawn with melee; 1 spawn with normal melee ; 2=spawn with melee and allow kicks, etc (but no wall grabbing cause its ubernoob)


- To see a list of teh admin stuff visit this post:


edit: nvm i dont want to make u sign up so i guess ill post here :/


i only posted this Kurgan because EnsiMod is still what RedSlushie was but without bull**** like jedi arena and stubert wanting *ONLY* kick and ban.

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/admin [password]




/admin [command] [arguments]


[command] list:


  • status - displays players and info
    addip - adds specified ip maks to list
    removeip - removes specified ip mask from list
    listips - lists banned ip masks
    map - change map to specified
    gametype - change gametype to specified
    timelimit - change timelimit to specified
    fraglimit - change fraglimit to specified (auto uses duel if duel) (wont work in ctf)
    capturelimit - change capturelimit to specified (wont work if not ctf)
    vote - pass or fail vote
    mute - mute specified player
    unmute - unmute specified player
    freeze - freeze specified player
    thaw - thaw specified player
    kick - kick specified player or all or allbots
    restart - do a map_restart with specified seconds
    remind - show the [name] has become an admin msg and play sound again.
    rename - rename specified client to newname
    spec999 - force all clients with 999+ to be spectators
    origin - display x,y,z and (location if one avail.) of specified player
    forceteam - move a player to specified team
    pause - pause the game
    unpause - unpause the game
    logout - logout of the admin system
    lock - lock specified team (dont type an argument to list avail teams)
    unlock - unlock specified team (dont type an argument to list avail teams)
    lockp - lock a specified player to their team
    unlockp - unlock specified player who is locked to their team
    cp - send a centerprint message to everyone
    motd - display the newmotd again
    say - admin chat



this can also be used in rcon/server

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So, we can't use RedSlushie's code (Ensimod)? It's not dead but still being developed?


And RS is still abusive? Or only the commands you listed above?


A little confused...


And we weren't really planning to get involved in a turf war/internal squabble among mod makers. ;P

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