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Jedi Academy MP, Windows Firewall


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Okay I have this really awkward problem, probably not heard before, this is for people more into windows errors then JA, but it's still part of it.


When I load my multiplayer into a server, the awaiting connection just doesn't stop climbing, it'd get to 10,000 if I left it, and I think I have discovered the problem.


You see, when Games are played, the first installation thing should be, when u run the game, it loads a Windows Firewall security thing, asking, Block, or Unblock, well you see, I don't get that when I run JA, and it isn't located in my exceptions in my Windows Firewall controls settings.


NOTES - The game disc is already 1.01, it does not need a patch, therefore the game can't be updated.


- I am running no mods, and no, it doesn't work with a mod. -.-

- Have tried many different re-installations, 2 normal ones, and 1 way of deleting my JA directory, then my reg settings for JA then re isntalling.


-on the last note, please help!!! :(:(




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Is this the full legal retail version of the game? Because it shouldn't already be 1.01, but 1.00. What country/region is this?


You should be able to update the game unless somebody sold you a bootleg or warez that's say, the 1.01 cracked game on a dvd... in which case we can't really help you. Just get the real deal and then it should work!

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