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I have noticed in multiplayer


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That the people with the strongest armies always have around 2 or 3 troop buildings, a couple of command centers, I understand that you can make more troopers in a certain amount of time with this strategy, but should I make these buildings during the first tech level, or wait until 2 or 3? I am still having problems advancing in the tech level as fast as the other players, so what advice would you give?



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Guest DarkTrooper

well i would start from the bottom, at tech level 1.


tech level 1.

this is where u should start ur economy build up build a food cntr and houses. then build a carbon plant bye whatever forest u have. ounce u have enough carbon and food to support more workers (700 food would be nice :) ) then advance to next tech level.


tech level 2

in tech level two keep making more and more farms with more workers. but ur mane focus in this tech level is to build up ur army research all u can that is nessasry. then build up the resourecs to the amount needed for tech 3 then advance.


tech level 3

were almost there. In tech level 3 u should build ur defences up since u can get the shield gen and hvy walls. make a research center and ur main researching sould be med. turret and hvy wall. ounce thise are compleet keep building ur army up and send workers to make a small barriear around ur base. u want it small because u can had more hitpoints to the walls and turrets with shield gen. then ounce ur army and defences are complete ATAAACK!!!




hopefully this will help u

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Guest sirathos

Well usually in multi i start at tech 3 and thats what most people do also. BUt if you start at 1 do the basics if you are trying to advance fast , one troop center is fine. Most of the stronger armies dont carry regular troopers or mounted or anti air guys cause they are weak. MOst strong armies constitut of strike vehichles, pummels, hvy anti air, jedi and bounty hunters.


Advancing in tech lvls is not the most important aspect get to tech 2 and then consintrate on getting enough workers to stock pile goods after you have your workers go to tech 3 by then you will have enough resources to pump out some troops for defense.

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