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Multiplayer frustration

Guest porkins14

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Guest porkins14

I was very frustrated last night as I got home sooo excited to play SWGB. As I went to play multiplayer, I found that everyone wanted to play games in which you start in tech level 3, or start with high resources! Very annoying. I prefere RTS games, and I believe the S STANDS FOR STRATEGY. Unfortunately, everyone is choosing to just play games in which you spit out troops without having to worry about economy at all. I hope when the game comes out and the ladder is up and running, that ladder games will in fact be based on THINKING AND STRATEGY, instead of these guys who just send mass armies within 2 minutes due to high resource settings.

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I agree, but I also think that the demo is a brilliant strategy by Lucasarts in that you really can't do anything too spectacular and it makes you want more from the game, therefore when the game comes out, many more people will buy it, the monument thingy basically makes it a timed game as soon as the monument is captured, which is unfortunate but also a good marketing technique.

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Guest dr_death

it all depends on what you like, there isnt great strategy in the game any way it just takes time to build stuff, but the warfare can be very strategy involving, forexample, i hid alot of my planes above the water so the other team couldent see them (i was blue colour) and i had a fort full of bounty hunters and shield generator which was 99% built and a few jedi in light turrets, when he attacked with a fairly big army i used my planes, jedi, bounty hunters, and fort and light turrets to destroy him, i only lost about 5 men.

yea i like telling that story

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Guest Lord Tirion

You should play in games with Nexsis porkins14. We always play in games with the hardest settings possible. Makes for better players and strats.

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Guest Jake Rendar

there is a section on the demo that says we can play on the Zone, is this true? and if so how come when i go to the Zone SWGB is no where in sight?

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Guest xwing guy

Yeah but I still like starting in TL1 and building my way up. BTW about the monument thingy, me and whoever I'm playing against we always aviod it.

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Guest TS_Y0DA

People like to have higher resources and start on tech level 3 because it is more like deathmatch. I think deathmatch is so much better, cant wait until it comes out.

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