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Test Server. NGE updates

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This thread is to post my experiences so far with NGE as I play it. I havent been level 1, or this low in my combat skill since the game launched!


DAY 1 - Tutorial

Oh what a mess. This is supposed to introduce players briefly into the new combat system. Just to remind you that you are in Star Wars, once you have shut C-3PO up, you get to destroy crates with your blaster (I have 5 as it was stuck on a loop 5 times), you team up with Han, Chewie and R2.


Then off to the hangar, where you must kill 3 stormtroopers in with the new combat. Then, race onto the ramp to board the falcon...repeat until board, or until SOE kick in the reset.


Once on the falcon, you have to destroy a handful of TIE fighters in JTLS style whilst Han makes repairs to the ship (he just stands there, that is, if he appears at all). 3PO then says you have achieved your goal as you climb out of the turret and take your seat as the falcon hits hyperspace.


Some new neat cut scenes show the falcon circle a planet toward a space station.


Its from here, where you get to learn and basically level up until at least level 5 before you head down to the planet. If you have played World Of Warcraft, this is where the game basically clones it. All the quests you receive (and yes, they are still boring) will show you the rewards in advance, plus and XP you might earn, so you can decide which ones to do.


Its good to hang around combat areas and just level up fast.


One of the most annoying things about Galaxies now, is the interface. I just dont like it. Before NGE, this was the games BEST feature. The interface resembles WoW with a skill bar at the bottom (which isnt working) a large chat box on the left, and a box where you can place your most used combat skills - once you have them.


All of these can be moved around your screen. Before, where you had to use CONTROL (CTRL) alot to access datapads, character sheets, etc, has been replaced with a silly button on the screen that you can click. Some keys have been made as short cuts (P brings up your profession skill box).


After completing a good hours worth of running around the space station, you make your way to Tatooine, Mos Eisley - or lag city. The graphics are certainly different to the current servers...improvement? Not really that much of a difference.


Your character moves extremely fast now and this is annoying, especially in combat. How on earth can someone who is 5'5 tall, the size of a whale speed off into the distance like speedy gonzalez?! Funny to watch but when you're trying to aim now, its a pain.


Han 'knows someone' who has the parts you need to get your speeder going. Yes. 4 quests that have you running around the outskirts of Mos Eisley and are extremely boring, as you piece together your speeder.


Once completed, you then meet up with another friend of Hans and get a customisation kit - wow - but that doesnt work.

You then need to level up. The fastest way seems to be doing this boring quests. You get a good bonus XP for higher level missions,in addition to cash, and it displays the level of the mission, so you know if you are able to complete it.


I managed to get to level 10 pretty fast (the free period will end here) so after 3 solid hours of playing, I am on my way to level 11. Being a Jedi without a lightsabre is tough. real tough. Its good to see other professions out there, but for every other profession, there must be at least 20 Jedi.


First day impressions - Yawn. The story driven quests are extremely boring as you just want to jet off and earn your money/XP. However, with just under 4 days to go before it all goes live, SOE really need to pull their finger out as I lost count at the amount of bugs in the game and despite it being the test server, nothing has been fixed in two days.


More updates tomorrow



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Well I have been out and about again today. Combat is still 'rough'. The NPC's just dont miss!! The most annoying part about it as well, is how the NPC always tends to zoom off, if you give chase, they might keep running....however, if YOU run away, the NPC will run after you!


Spent most of the day levelling up outside Coronet as theres hardly any lag and just 3 of us on the entire planet it seems! I'm gonna check it before it goes live but 'ive a bad feeling about this'



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