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Thanks RA2 fans!

Lord JayVizIon

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i just got it yesterday thanks to the few people who recommended it to me, and this is a VERY SOLID game compared to the first C&C games i played back in the day. graphics are somewhat better, unit movement is better, and i like the units in the game.


however, this is a very different game from your traditional rts b/c it seems somewhat more simplified: (1) ore is your prime resource (2) there are no formations that i know of (3) not much of an emphasis is placed on economy as it was with aok and sc.


i still feel that aok is the most technical rts, sc was the most innovative, but ra2 is probably ranked 4th on my list b/c it is pretty solid and fun to play!!!


btw, anyone down for a multiplayer game sometime?

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Guest Tie Guy

I'll take you anytime Jay, but be warned, i'm good. :D


BTW, i think that they put the imphasis off of resources on purpose, so that the game was based more on the actual fighting. Thats one problem i have with AOK, too much of your time is spent on resources, it seems like you should be fighting more.


BTW, did you like the intro?

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Guest Luke Skywalker

RA2 was good, but Tiberian Sun is better. In RA2 theres no emphasis on economy at all. But I suppose thats Westwoods reputation. Just kill kill kill. In tiberian Sun theres some economy but not anything compared to AOK/AOE. The only thing better in RA2 is the cities. They are much, much more developed and the levels are somewhat difficult (were talking 4 hours you beat it kinda game).

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RA2 & TS have about the same level of resource management required. i.e. build and protect harvesters/refinerys w/o going overboard and forgetting about defense. Actually, RA2 has more economy than TS because you have to fight to control oil derricks wich can turn the tide of a game. What makes you say RA2 has no economy?


And I'll take a kill-kill-combat RTS over a tech/resource RTS anyday. I want to manage resources, I play Sim-City. I want to manage troops I'll take kill-kill RTS games. The attacking/fighting part of AoEI/II is much more fun than sitting in a base and harvesting wood/gold/stone/food.


Though it's too bad RA2 doesn't have formations anymore.........


My 2 Cents



4 hour RA2 games? :confused: :confused: Someone needs practice ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by OOM9


4 hour RA2 games? :confused: :confused: Someone needs practice ;)


Really, if i'm the allies then i can take my forces from the getgo and kill the other guy. I don't even need to unpack my mcv. Thats takes all of 2 minutes. :D


Of course, that only works on easy

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Guest Luke Skywalker

NO,NO,NO., errr I mean in the single player missions. I takes 4 hours to beat the sp missions, all of em. Secondly RA2 has no ore storage bins or whatever there called, so basically you just keep filling up your refinery. I see your pint with the oil derricks but its still not really an economy. I think westwood should improve that area but It would take away from the whole point of c&c games, seek and destroy.

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Guest Admiral Odin

C&C series are more pure military. (few armies go in the area and start mining.) I'm personally glade they removed storage silos. They get annoying after a little while.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Im glad too but it takes away from the economy


Who cares?!? I like just building 5 harvestors and then worrying about the enemy.


Thats one thing i ate about AOK and now SWGB, you spent 75% of your time trying to get all the resources right and then in the battles last all of 30 seconds and then you go back to your economy until you can get another army up.


And like odin said, how many armies went onto the battlefield and set up a bunch of farms to feed their troops. And that definately didn't happen with the Empire.

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Guest Admiral Odin

It is a funny image of stormies knocking on your door. Saying "this town is now under the rule of the Empire, hand over all your shovels and spades" Stormies begin to farm.


That is why C&C games are so popular. You don't have to micromange everything. 1 resource that is it. with AoE it fit the game. In the middleages you might see towns fighting other towns.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

good point but thats what AOE games are like, these arent multiplayer games. If it was c&c Id be alot more excited

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Guest Admiral Odin

I know. That is another thing about C&C if you take over a sovoiet war factory you then get soviet tanks. Not so with AoE. But that is because every unit is the same. :D

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Clefo

I like playing long games... There just more fun...


I like taking over Soviet Stuff with the allies (Or vice-versa) It makes for a very nice force..


i just like taking over a structure, dropping a grand cannon into there base, and then selling the building. :D


Or taking them out with hoardes of GI's.

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Guest Tie Guy

yeah, but my all-time favorite map is "pinch point"


You know where the enemy is and can use many different strategies to take them down. the lybian demo truck rush is a particuraly good one on that map, as well as the flak track terrorist rush. :D

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Guest Admiral Odin

My favorite trick with the demo truck.


1 subdue the enemy base. Removing all defenses.


2. Send in demo trucks. Arrange them so when one goes off, it begins a chain reaction.


3.Set one off and watch as the base is destroyed.

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