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Tougher Boss Battles [Spoiler]


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Would it be possible to make a mod that made Darth Bandon, Bastila (temple roof and star forge), and all the dark jedi in the temple on the Rakatan world more difficult to fight?


Specifically double hit points, maybe increase their dexterity by 25-50% of whatever it is now? Just so they're harder to hit and can take more punishment. I'm not asking for a hardcore mod that makes everything insane, just more challenging to a high level jedi and party members.


I know there's a mod to make the fight with bastila tougher, but it didn't work properly on my game. Instead she just showed up in her normal clothes and a gold double saber.


On a different note, where should i look for directions on how to adjust stats and equipped items of an npc (like bastila on the rakatan temple roof)? I'm terrible at modding but wouldn't mind taking another shot at it. :D

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