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Get the old key map back!!

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

found this on the forums. Should be very useful and take 5 minutes





For those who are accustomed to the classic SWG keymap and like to chat without pressing the enter key first, it is possible to get very close to the old controls.


After getting thoroughly sick of doing the "Crazed Crackhead" interpretive dance every time I try to chat with someone, and getting sick of hunting for the 1-= keys that now refer to the hotbar slots, I decided to create a custom keymap. I was pleased to find I could almost perfectly replicate the old keymap I am accustomed to.


Several people have told me that they hate the new keymap, so I figured I would make a post to describe how to get the old one back.



Step 1: Interface

Open the Options menu by pressing 'o' then select the "Interface" tab. There are two default options here that need to change:

Check the box that reads "Allow Overhead Map Rotation"

Uncheck the box that reads "Chat Bar Fades Out"



Step 2: The Keymap

Click the "Keymap" tab. A new window will open. At the top of the window select the "all" tab. There are quite a few changes to make to the keymap, and I will list them all below.


Commands and Bindings listed in yellow need to be changed.


Commands and Bindings listed in red need to be cleared, but do not get a new binding.


Commands and Bindings listed in green do not need to be changed.


Click on the item name in the left "Command" column to select it (these names are shown in the left-hand column below).


Click the "Clear Binding" button to delete a current binding.

Click "Rebind" button and specify the new binding. If you see a message telling you that your new binding conflicts with an existing binding and asking if you want to overwrite it, click "Yes".



The final bindings are as follows:

Abilities & Commands CTRL+A

Attack Target APPS (the button between the Windows key and Ctrl key on right of keyboard)

Autorun Toggle NUMLOCK

Character Sheet CTRL+C

Chase Camera Toggle NUMPAD. (the "." key on the numeric keypad)

Chat Font Bigger CTRL+. (control and period together)

Chat Font Smaller CTRL+, (control and comma together)

Clear Target ESC

Collapse Chat Box CTRL+ENTER

Community CTRL+P

Cycle Next Target in History SHIFT+CTRL+' (shift, control, and apostrophe together)

Cycle Previous Target in History SHIFT+CTRL+; (shift, control, and semicolon together)

Cycle Target In SHIFT+TAB

Cycle Target Out TAB

Datapad CTRL+D

Examine Target CTRL+X


Inventory CTRL+I

Jump NONE (unbind this command)

knowledge Base Help CTRL+H

Lock Camera Angle NUMPAD0 (Numeric Keypad Zero)


Momentary Run / Walk Toggle SHIFT,SHIFT (left and right shift keys seperately)

Options CTRL+O

Pitch Camera Backward NUMPAD8

Pitch Camera Forward NUMPAD2

Planetary Map CTRL+V

Profession Window CTRL+S

Quest Journal CTRL+J

Radar Map CTRL+M

Reset Camera Angle NUMPAD5

Start Chat NONE (clear the binding for this command)

Start Chat Command /

Start Chat Group CTRL+G

Start Chat Reply CTRL+R

Start Chat Tell CTRL+T

Summon Radial Menu ~,`

Target Group Member 1 CTRL+2

Target Group Member 2 CTRL+3

Target Group Member 3 CTRL+4

Target Group Member 4 CTRL+5

Target Group Member 5 CTRL+6

Target Group Member 6 CTRL+7

Target Group Member 7 CTRL+8

Target Group Member 8 CTRL+9

Target Self CTRL+1


Toggle Light CTRL+L

Toggle Mouse Mode ALT,ALT (left and right Alt keys seperately)

Toolbar Pane 1 CTRL+F1

Toolbar Pane 2 CTRL+F2

Toolbar Pane 3 CTRL+F3

Toolbar Pane 4 CTRL+F4

Toolbar Pane 5 CTRL+F5

Toolbar Pane 6 CTRL+F6

Toolbar Pane 7 CTRL+F7

Toolbar Pane 8 CTRL+F8

Toolbar Pane 9 CTRL+F9

Toolbar Pane 10 CTRL+F10

Toolbar Pane 11 CTRL+F11

Toolbar Pane 12 CTRL+F12

Toolbar Pane Next CTRL+~,CTRL+=

Toolbar Pane Previous CTRL+TAB,CTRL+-

Toolbar Slot 1 F1

Toolbar Slot 2 F2

Toolbar Slot 3 F3

Toolbar Slot 4 F4

Toolbar Slot 5 F5

Toolbar Slot 6 F6

Toolbar Slot 7 F7

Toolbar Slot 8 F8

Toolbar Slot 9 F9

Toolbar Slot 10 F10

Toolbar Slot 11 F11

Toolbar Slot 12 F12

Turn Left NUMPAD1

Turn Right NUMPAD3

Walk Back DOWN (down arrow)

Walk Forward UP (up arrow)

Walk Left LEFT (left arrow)

Walk Right RIGHT (right arrow)

Yaw Camera Left NUMPAD4

Yaw Camera Right NUMPAD6

Zoom Camera In NUMPAD+ (plus key on numeric keypad)

Zoom Camera Out NUMPAD-



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