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Cloud, Zack, and a bunch of Shin-Ra Soldiers


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Well, the name speaks for itself. Here's a FF7 version of Cloud (personally I prefer it over the AC version) and Zack.




And here's a bunch of Shinra soldiers to beat the crap out of too. The default skin is the uniform they wear in Last Order, the blue skin is the Shinra MP from the original game and the red skin is the Shinra Captain (not to be confused with the Shinra Commander, they wear funny hats :) ).




A BIG wad of credit goes to Broli for making the original AC Cloud model.


As with all of my models, I am looking for somebody to weigh them. I would, but I don't have 3ds Max and I can't be bothered spending 3 days waiting for XSI Mod Tool to download. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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