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EPIII Anakin Skywalker hilt model for Kotor I


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Yeah I know, the one you are talking is the graflex hilt we know from EP IV and without offense for T7Nowhere's and his "Light Saber Six Pack", it's the only one I didn't like much.


The reason is for the proportions and details. Again, I don't want to offend T7Nowhere, I really admire his work in every mods, but what 'am trying to say is: the hilt look better than mine, who was a total failure, but wasn't accurate enough for my point of view. My point is there too much lenght and the details (grip, clips, etc.) are too hard to discern.


Now you know the reason why I tried to make one from scratch. And I now also know why we must made respectfull critics when commenting peoples 3Ds work.


Maybe I should have been more precise in my request. Or, maybe I should ask directly to someone, like Oldflash. But I certanly have to reformulate my request, who is: making a new EPIII Anakin Skywalker hilt from scratch, for Knights of the old republic or, if someone have one in TSL and is willing to convert it without violating any rules, please do so.


Then again T7Nowhere, if you read this reply, I am sorry if I offended you in some ways.

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