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Kit, my posts would take pages if I had to account for all the types of ways one could have aquired Jedi. I know enough that actually did things while sitting in front of their keyboards and didnt know the first thing about making a macro to hope that it would be understood that not all Jeds did the same thing....


as for the profession being like the movies....it was as only as accurate in clothes and lightsaber. nothing available gave Jedi any accountancy to adhereing to any form of Jedi code as which is seen through any of the movies. no governing bodies or constraints; no set methods of review or advancement other than X killing of X mobs; etc. there was just the Alpha Class that, eventually, flooded the game. to be honest, something would have had to happen soon to deal with the situation.


Ive said a number of time (probably not here as I dont post much here) that I have never had anything against hte profession. In fact, I enjoyed seeing them and enjoyed playing alongside them. I was never in favor of the flood coming in and certainly not as a starter profession, but at the rate they were coming into the game they were basically an unwritten starting profession as there was no question on how to become one. In fact, had the village been around when I started playing I would have been a Jedi myself as It would have been my goal due to the in the face way of achieving it. at least with the holocrons there was a gate..that fifth holo..that would ensure that you spent a lot of time heading blindly. the village laid it all out foryou neat as pie.


i do have to agree that Im sure many would not have endured the mind numbing grind had they known where the profession ended up, but i do see it getting better as time progresses. As for what BHs do now? well, we have socials and play paint ball... :)

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LOL, can I get an invite to one of those socials?


My shock is over now with the NGE. So I appologize for all the rants before, I'm calming down because well, I have no choice. The old ways are not coming back. I am wondering though why we haven't heard more from the other professions and the effect on them.

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