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after reading here and other places where people are having trouble witht eh specials I thought id throw in how I have my keys set up that might be of use to someone.



i use a logitech thumb moved trackball with three buttons nad a scroll. this is used to rotate on all Axis (trackball) default attack, specials and to movoe the camera out and in.


one important key on the keyboard that I use a lot is the NumbEnter key. I have remapped this key to cover the function tha the alt keys cover...namely to go in and out of cursor mode....very helpful.


the Numb+ key is hotkeyed to a loot all macro, but this has the horrible knack of, at times, telling me that my inventory is full when it is not. agrivating to say teh least and cost me the commanders pistol in the HK quests.


Numb1-6 are for my task bars

numb7-9 change often to something I need


f - forward

d - backwards

a - left

s - right


qwert - special slots 1-5 (when I was a MCM, this set covered group members 1-5 Y U for 6 and 7. numb- was target self. after hearing medic uses recon..i havent tried it NGE)

zxcvb - special slots 6-10

gh - special slots 11 12


ive been thinking about setting top row numb keys for the task bars, but havnt done that yet as i was used to using the NumbKeys before, but it makes sense to do that...only need the first six any way.


my space movement key set is a bit different as my specials (less than one bar, are all set to my PF keys still.

F strafe right

d strafe left

a roll left

s role right

r increase speed

e decresase speed

b boost

v target compenent

tab target next retricle

caps lock target closest

z cycle thru something

c target captitol

x target friendly


the weapons group set up is per ship type and changes, but countermeasures either fall to G or second mouse button adn missles the same (both opposite...depending on ship type)


ive forgotten H T Y and space


ive also set up my specials in logicals to do by feel adn quick sight. captoshield is at PF5 as i have a tendancy to hit esc instead of PF1. emergency back/front are set to pf9 and pf12...again, easy to hit by feel.


thers more, but my boss looks eager to see what magnificient prose i am conjuring up by typing so much....time for the , "dagnabit....grrrr...i hate when i hit hte the X and forget to save" that he seems to fall for.....yea, such a bad habit i suppose.

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