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New to Galaxies? How are you finding NGE?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

For those of you who are new to playing Galaxies. We are interested to find out how you are finding the quest missions, the controls on the Space station and also, once you are off the space station and on the ground?


Post away your likes, dislikes and things that might need improving to help you



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Hello there! I'm not totally new to the game but it has been a long time since I played. I started to play the day it came out and got frustrated with the Jedi system (that was before the holocrons). I had heard about the NGE and all the comotions it stired. So I came back to see what it was all about.


First I was happy to see that my old character was still there. But I had to make a new one because I had no clue how to play this game anymore. So following the tutorial I must say I was really impress. Especially when you first walk in the hangar, folowing Han and Chewy, I had a "wow" moment. With the music from the movies playing and the size of the hangar with the big ships and the falcon. It totally felt like Star Wars.


On board the Tansarii (I think) space station, again, I was really impress with the environment. I felt like it could have been a replica of a Star Wars space station. The new NGE (woo I used an acronym) tutorial does a good job at taking you by the hand and makes sure you're never lost. I liked that. I left the space station at CL 12 and I'm pretty sure I did all the quests.


I was then droped in Mos Eisley. Again, you always have a sence of direction, you always know who to talk to and where to go. I'm CL 23 now and the only real complain I have is the length of the quest I am on now. It sends me all over the place (good thing Han helps me make a speeder). I must have spent a whole day on that quest (the one you get from the Rebel guy in Anchor), and it's still not finished.


Maybe because I was gone so long, but I have to say I really like the NGE. Mind you I do miss Terrain Negociation from the Scout class, when you run around on Tatooine, it's a pain!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Cool stuff! I remember having a chat with Lucasarts about Galaxies and how it was just too difficult for new players to get into. That was a while back. They have taken a close look at how World Of Warcraft brings new players into the game and I am pleased that Galaxies has followed this with the new quests to gain XP.


If a quest is really long, you just might need to weight up the XP you get, if its worth it or not.



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I'm not like new to SWG, but I just tried the new "intro thingy" aswell.


It's really awesome, I like it alot! Really Star Warsy!


I did a quest for the imperial commander in Bestine (for making up that I actually HELPED Han Solo!) and so far, it's been cool!


I was sent after a Jawa Sandcrawler because they had taken some of the parts that Han and then I had to track that Sand crawler down. Now that's STAR WARS! :D

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i'm new to the game, got the trial the day before thanksgiving and have been playin since


all in all, i quite enjoy it, me and my cuz have been playing a lot, its a lot of fun




the vast spectrum of the game is quite nice, houses, space combat, multiple planets, player cities, vehicles, droids, etc. its really nice to find a game where it seems nothing has been left out


this game just seems very complete to me, theres so much you can do, and the vast array of armors and clothes you can buy are impressive, i've played a couple small time mmos where it seems like everyone is wearing the same thing, and we all look exactly the same, very annoyin!!!




its annoying to begin playing at the start of the NGE, i've read all the forum posts and i can sympathize with old vets, what sony did seems very wrong, they should either have some nge servers and some not, or just make a new game, completely changing an existing one is just unfair


there does seem to be a lack of players, but its not so bad, i'm on sunrunner and i never have a probelm finding people, mos eisly is always crawling with people


bugs/glitches, need i say more??


one complaint i have is the destruction of vehicles, i see where it comes in with the whole economy and trader thing, but when you get ur vehicle blown up in one hit by a member of the opposite faction, it is kinda frustrating -_-



but all in all i enjoy it, from what i've experienced the game really isnt that bad, i'm a bounty hunter (which of course is worthless but hey) and the bh missions are quite fun, even if i am killing npcs, one more complaint i would have to say is the traveling, i didnt get the starter pack so i have no instant transport vehicle, walking everywhere is very very annoying, even if you have a speeder, they should really make those instant transports buyable in game

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You start out on a space station with Han Solo giving you your first missions. On the station there are plenty of things to do and lots of stuff to randomly kill if you desire.


The Good

1) Advancement is pretty quick.. but the game in 2x exp week so this impression is a bit skewed.

2) Pretty easy to learn combat and it is more immersive than any MMO combat that I have played. This is due to the new real time combat model which requires you to aim your weapon at the target. No auto targeting, Auto attacking then AFKing till the baddy is dead. So I find myself being more involved in the combat and am finding that it's a bit more exciting.

3) So far the Archetypes are fun to play and easy to understand. I have 2 characters now a Spy and a Bounty Hunter. I need to play the spy more now that I understand stuff more. I like that I can play a Force Sensitive character at first level (you don't really become a REAL jedi till you hit your 30s or so, before then you just have some force powers, with no Lightsaber.

4) The BEST Avatar Generation of ANY MMO that I have played so far.

5) Lots of Missions with fun stuff to do.

6) Free 10 day trial (kind of like the EQ2 Trial of the Isle bundle but if you do subscribe you Don't have to buy the game)

7) No real grind yet, the quests are pretty easy to complete and fun.


The Bad

1) The Interface is still a bit clunky esp with the Mouse control defaulting to combat mode and not point and click mode. Not enough instruction as to how to switch modes.

2) No real good instruction on crafting, though it does seem that non Traders can craft. I dislike the implication that if you Choose to be a Trader you can't adventure.



The combat system isn't really a twitch system. It does require you to keep your cursor on your target, but it doesn't really require that high of a Dex. Believe me, when it comes to FPSs I stink big time. It feels like KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) only sped up quite a bit.


If you had spent lots of time on SWG and done all of the grinding to get your character to cap and to unlock your Jedi stuff. I can see how this update is jarring. They changed the system so much that this is a new game with the same graphics as the old one.


It remains to be seen if the game can be easy to play and challenging at the same time. Will I actually Subscribe and get off of the station. I dunno. I am going to play through about all of the classes ex. entertainer and see if I still like it. If so I will subscribe and see what the rest of the game looks like. I am having fun playing my Force sensative (Jedi), I don't want to commit till I try everything.


This is a post that I sent all of my SWG veteran friends. They had canceled long ago due to the quite boring (in their opinion) grind to get anywhere.


The other things that are annoying now that I am exploring Mos Aisley(Sp?) are the mobs that run from you and kite you. The VERY poor frame rates, most people call this lag but it is quite obvious that the client uses way too much of the system resources to do anything esp in a busy city. The low framerates (BTW P4HT 2.8/1GB/Nvidia5600GT128mb) make combats quite annoying. Also the many MOBS that run behind you where you can't get your aiming cross over them, with the slow turning rate. Well it's just frustrating.


Also, I keep seeing level up messages as I walk around town talking to NPCs. Though I can't see anything in my UI anywhere to see what is being leveled up. I mean do the characters have a "Skill number" for Weapon skill and other skill with NGE, and if SO where can I find those numbers? Also I can't figure out how to make new chat windows so I can filter the PC chat from the NPC chat and the Chat channel spam from everything else.


Crafting is quite confusing. I played around with making food and water, but it feels weird to be in a MMO that doesn't let adventuring classes make combat stuff. I wouldn't even mind being stuck into a narrow speciality (Carbines, Low tech kenetic Melee, Light armor etc) I don't want to make a crafter, because I like to adventure too and it isn't VERY clear if Traders are viable in combat.


Ok now that I have vented a bit....


I have reupped my Systempass Subscription, if figured that if I was going to pay $15/mo for SWG that I may as well have access to EQ,EQmac,and EQ2.


The Good


Getting a Speeder as soon as I got to Tattooene was great even if it is one step away from the Scrap yard and is only slightly faster than running. Heck my first Car ran better than the Speeder, and it WAS pieced together from 2 cars (thanks dad!). But it has character, and I got to repaint it (the speeder).


I have been enjoying the quests on the home planet of Luke Skywalker, and working for Han Solo is really a blast. I also enjoyed working for Boba Fett when I was playing a Bounty Hunter. Great fun. Seeing the Iconic characters and getting missions from them is great. I hope I will have the chance to see more of these NPCs in game.


2x Exp ends later today, so I hope the game doesn't get too grindy. I just wish that the game was easier to understand. It seems like the game is a bit fractured right now, between Pre and post NGE bits. The integration just doesn't seem to have made it in yet.


I have hopes that the Update will fix some of the performance issues.


Tasha :)

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