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Manuel walking graphic problem

Chaos Anhell

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O well hi, im new so nice to meet ya all. anyway here is the problem and the solution:


Problem:Right i dont know what happened, but since it was in that moment runnig slow the GF, when i showed the pass for the VIP rollers lounge it all went stuck, i was just hearing the voices and the music. Anyway, when the things gotten back to normal, something werid happened. Aparently i could walk, but Many was walking like a robot. I really dont know how to explain it, but i would try. When i walked, Many legs were complety stoped, no walking animation, and if you wanna to turn around Manuel happend to make a circle, insted of making a 360º turn like it is ussaly done. Phew, it was harder to explain that i imagine, i hope this describe it at least most of the problem.


Solution: Ok so i tried all, to save the game and reload, to put a movie and go back to the part, to change room with the debug mode, but the unique that solved the problem was another animation complety diferent. I was running to see if sitting with Charlie solved the problem, but i just stoped by the stairs in the Cafe Calavera (the one were you see glottis in the piano) and railed in it. This solved the problem, i supouse that with another animation complety diferent of beign stand up would olve the problem. I dont know if this happend in another part of the game. Please if you have another way to solve it post it here.

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