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Macros - Traders


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I play on Wanderhome server, so look me up if you play there. Ive been around tatoo.


SWG isnt totally new to me. I played when JTL came out for three months, but had to quit (not the games fault.) So I am not a moron and I understand the game.


What I need is a macro that would allow me to do some of the structural traders crafting and survey/sampling for minerals.




A group or someone who is willing to help train me etc. Its tough getting hooked up with good people in the galaxy. Who could perhaps also give me some good macros.


Im active as the more than average person, but its cold galaxy without friends.




Novice Artisan


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you can try this one. im sure there are others. you should also head over to SWGCraft.com and register there as well. oh, and be sure to tell them that Cerceuil sent you...itll surprise the hell out of them.


the below was gotten from this thread: http://www.swgcraft.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21810


/ui action toolbarSlot01;

/ui action toolbarSlot01;

/pause 3;

/selectDraftSchematic 10;

/pause 5;



/createProtoType practice no item;

/createPrototype practice no item;

/pause 3;

/ui action toolbarSlot02;

/ui action toolbarSlot02;

/pause 3;

/selectDraftSchematic 10;

/pause 5;



/createProtoType practice no item;

/createPrototype practice no item;

/pause 3;

/ui action toolbarSlot03;

/ui action toolbarSlot03;

/pause 3;

/selectDraftSchematic 10;

/pause 5;



/createProtoType practice no item;

/createPrototype practice no item;

/pause 3;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;




Oh to answer some of the questions, as far as I know there has never been a "select the resource" command. It has always been that you have to do it yourself. The schematic numbers are diffrent for everyone...well used to be and I supose they still are, especially if you have looted schematics. The macro I posted up there is just a little deviation from the pre-NGE one I used to use, it is exactally like most of the other pre-NGE ones (Weren't we all using the same ones anyway?)


You need to put the /ui action toolbarSlotXX 2 times as mentioned above to actually select the tool (At least on my client you do) then right click.


So the progression I have above (To make fireworks by the way)


1) I select the first slot by pressing 1 and right clicking

2) It advances to the generic tool in slot 2 (toolbarSlot01)

3) It pauses a few seconds and opens you schematic (The fireworks in this case)

4) You have 5 sec to select your resources and click them in (That was all I needed)

5) The session closes (No items made in practice mode)

6) The number/timer comes up on the tool in slot 2 and I count to 2 (Or 3 depending on lag or PC speed)

7)The macro selects the tool in slot 3 (toolbarSlot02)

8) I right click and repeat steps 3 4 5

9) I wait till the timer shows up on slot 3 and count again

10) The macro advances to tool in slot 4 (toolbarSlot03)

11) Once again I repeat 3 4 5

12) The macro then returns to the macro in slot 1 (toolbarSlot00)

13) I start all over by right clicking again


It is very easy, but as far as I know there is no "In the rules" way to have a macro that is walk away crafting. You have to be there, this just makes it a bit quicker and easier.

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also keep in mind that ifyour crafting tool cant craft an item (say using a clothing tool) youll have to skip over the non-clothing tool schematics and not count. and as many people who have tried to figure a concrete way of determining the numbers nothing has been foolproof. itll be trail adn error till you get the one you want.

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