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Testers for Kaevee addon alpha....


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I have two questions



Stoffe is there anyway to use subfolders with your patcher? If so what is the syntax? Unc doesn't seem to work....The thing is I want to put folders in \streamvoice\gbl>somefolder


Is somebody even interested in a Kaevee mod? I have one it's alfa, but I've done a lot of modifications to the storyline an sofar it is NOT just another recruit mod.....It has voice overs, models, globals and conversations...influence etc


Basic outline is the lost holocron quest. Keave can join if you want her too do. She doesn't replace anybody....


I should say it comes with stoffes installer.......


If anybody want to test my work please pm.

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Stoffe is there anyway to use subfolders with your patcher? If so what is the syntax? Unc doesn't seem to work....The thing is I want to put folders in \streamvoice\gbl>somefolder


The Install List function should handle subfolders. If you enter the folder path+name like "StreamVoice\gbl\somefolder", it should work. Note the lack of a backslash at the beginning.


It always start in the game root folder, and the path starts with the folder name inside the game root folder to place the files in (with ".\" being a special case for placing files directly in the game root folder.)

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