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Galactic Conquest on The Demo Question


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So I got the demo, played all the tutorials, and went on to the 3-map galactic conquest. I played it on all 3 difficulty levels, and would like to say I didn't notice much of a difference between easy and hard.


Now, back on topic. How do you get the imps to attack you? I want more of a challenge, but I left the dmeo on for around 15 minutes on hard difficulty without anybody attacking me. The demo is awesome, (It made me go to EB and pre-order the collectors edition) but I'd like to be attacked, and experience defending for once.



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Thanks for the quick reply


So it was dumbed down heh? Oh well, at least I got to play the demo, and I preordered because of it too. So you're saying the "hard" difficulty in the full game will be alot harder than the demo? Cause it seemed like everything was set to easy, no matter what difficulty you choose.

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