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All right, some of you of “higher intellects” (i.e. Canadians) will have noticed an epidemic going around. You witness it every time you go to a CD store and notice a man purchasing a “Greatest Hits” CD by recording artist Barbra Streisand, and then returning the album without any arms. This travesty is usually the cause of the original white fur, the “Meal-ers on wheel-ers”, the infamous…thing: THE WHELLED YETI!


The creation of the Wheeled Yeti is as of yet unknown. All we know is that its feet, though looking like feet, are not actually feet but wheels! Their large overbearing eyebrows cover their entire eyeball so nature gave the Yeti the power of X-ray vision. Although, they can see EVERYTHING so to them it appears that there is nothing. They travel in packs of Twenty Bajillion as not to fall off into nothingness. It eats fish, too! The Yeti has been a major influence in our society. They took the soul of a singer (Streisand) and made her their adoptive daughter. The Yeti has very poor hearing and can hear anything from a badillion miles away. Most specifically the voice of Barbra Streisand. But whenever they hear the some-what mangled voice they think it’s a cry for help getting agitated because of the nonstop noise. They quickly run over to the subject playing the disharmony and reach out to pull the arms off the man and/or woman.


So before you put in that new Streisand CD and and think about everything that’s wrong, just remember, you could have your arms amputated by a Wheeled Yeti who’s trying to protect Barbra Streisand.




Official Forum Lord of Salmon

and Emmisary of Goats

For the love of Goat!

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Guest Rogue 9

it is my personal theory that these are actually wookies on swoop bikes, and that the sound of B.S.'s music remindes them of a sound the imperial used to torture them.

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Guest Thrawn

There it is! I've been looking everywhere for it!

*takes arm and beats R9 and DS with it*


Thank you.



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Rogue 9

You listen to B.S. Music, I would of expected better from thrawn, graps lightsaber and removes thrawns other arm.


[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited March 01, 2001).]

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Guest AceAzzameen

Originally posted by Rogue 9:

You listen to B.S. Music, I would of expected better from thrawn, graps lightsaber and removes thrawns other arm.


BS music? That's an accurate description! biggrin.gif



"With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?"


Rogue Leader 3


or manofstele@yahoo.com


[This message has been edited by AceAzzameen (edited March 01, 2001).]

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No no no.


Yetis (and Sasquatch) were the slaves of the Lycanthropes, and were nearly extinct when a mixed group of Yetis and Sasquatch (led by Guardian Ti-Yet) managed to revolt and capture a Lycanthrope transport bound for Earth.


The Lycanthropes managed to wreck the transport's guidance system before being killed (ensuring that the transport would crash when it hit the atmosphere).


Ti-Yet and the Sasquatch leader managed to get everybody into escape pods, but one of them had to stay behind. Since Ti-Yet was the hereditary Guardian of his people (kinda like a samurai), he had a responsability to go with them.


The Lycanthropes on Earth have been hunting the Yeti for years, unsuccessfully.


<small>From Roswell Conspiracies.</small>



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i met a yeti and a wookie together once i came back with no limbs at all!!!



If I Was any more laid back i would be horizontal


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Guest Thrawn

You FOOL! It wasn't my arm, it was my wokkie friend's arm!

*wookie kills R9*

temper temper...



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

*(Surprised that no one has taken the obvious one.)*


I find this topic abominable. biggrin.gif


*(Runs away.)*

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