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Bryant's & Grey_Ghost's Mod V2.0G


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This is Release 1 of Bryants & Grey_Ghost's Mod. This mod edits the EaW Demo WITHOUT tampering with the exe file in any way.


Version 2.0G Changes:


--Change | Reason / Notes--


Added Mara Jade | She is untextured, but otherwise working (Space=Shuttle Land=Unit)


Empire can build Hutt Palaces on Atzerri, Nal Hutta, Ryloth, & Tatooine for Bounty Hunters


Rebels can build Cantinas on Abregado Rae, Atzerri, Corellia, Nal Hutta, Ryloth, & Tatooine for Smugglers


Removed Pirates | The game would tab out to an error box whenever attacking them. Didn't crash, but was annoying all the same


Removed Rebel Artillery | Cause Imp don't have any


Removed Rockets from T4B Tanks | Rebel AI used it like artillery on Turbolaser, staying out of range. No Imp unit can do that.


One Building per Type per Planet | Icon list gets so big that other icons get pushed off screen, and are unacessable.


Removed V-Wing | The Z95 is old enough


All space stations use LEVEL 1 Model, Hardpoints, & Health | Overall Balance & Bug fix


Level 2-5 Space Station Shield Increase(Value/Regen) | To Make up for level 1 HP, Don't let those bombers go after your shields! (Hopefully higher Regen number is better)


Removed Outdated Acclamator | It looked out of place among the Rebel scum


Planets now only have 6 build slots at the most | The Tatooine land map only supports 6. Higher slots led to False Victories & Crashes


No more Greyed out icons.


Removed Magnepulse Weapon | Causes crash on invasion


Many Bug Fixes | All buildings have models(but not all textured), no invisible units etc.

Planet Shield Generators placed correctly.

No double space units (The 2nd Tartan for example had tissue paper for armor).

Empire can now build Officers




--Known Issues/TIPS:--


Space Retreat Hardcoded


If you find the game too hard even on Easy, then delete the file named DIFFICULTYADJUSTMENTS.XML in the XML directory

The game will use it's default settings


The Tech 1 versions don't make any sense unit wise | I was lazy...sorry


Not all planets support higher level Starbases!


Game will sometimes crash when Exiting the game while playing Rebels | I have no idea why


Tornados can drive you insane | I loathe those Frelling things! If only I knew how to remove them.

Tatooine Land Map gets on your nerves eventually 8P




Copy the XML Folder that is in the Zip to your Star Wars Empire at War Demo\Gamedata\Data\ Folder


To Play as the Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Full Tech\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play the Level 1 Empire Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Empire Tech 1\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play as the Rebels Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Rebel Full Tech\ and past them into the XML Folder.

To Play the Level 1 Rebels Copy the Files From ...Demo\Gamedata\Data\XML\Rebel Tech 1\ and past them into the XML Folder.




****All comments/bugs for Version 2.0G go to Grey_Ghost (vallore@hotmail.com)


__=Version 2.1G Changes:=__


--Change | Reason / Notes--


Millenium Falcon no longer inflates when in it's death throes (thanks TheDeadlyShoe)


Rebel Snow Speeder Added (A-Wing model) | This will counter the new Pirate Speeders and AT-AT


AT-AA Added (Larger AT-ST model) | To counter the Snowspeeders


Universe Reduced | Hopefuly for better gameplay, since no save games


T4B Tanks Rockets added back in


Fighters have been slightly scaled down in size | Aesthetics


General Veers rides in an AT-Barge in space


Rebel's Heavy Factory Garrison increased to 2 T4B Tanks


Rebel Infiltrator Building and Unit Added


Limit removed from the number of Mining Facilites that can be built per planet


Pirates Added Back in

They control the Central planets

Pirates have a new Speeder unit | V-Wing version of a Snowspeeder (the Speeders are pretty neat overall)

Added in Pirate Command Center | No texture, but infantry and vehicles damage it just fine.



--Known Issues/TIPS:--


Using the STOP button while selecting Snowspeeders will sometimes crash the game. Once they start flying, don't try to stop them. They will constanly circle where you tell them to move once they get there.


When Playing as Rebels and invading a Planet the game might cause an exception, Alt-Tab to the error box and hit CANCEL, then Tab back into the game. You should be able to continue playing. It's doesn't happen when using the RAID slot as well.


If you find the game too hard even on Easy, then delete the file named DIFFICULTYADJUSTMENTS.XML in the XML directory

The game will use it's default settings


Not all planets support higher level Starbases!


Game will sometimes crash when Exiting the game while playing Rebels | I have no idea why


Tornados can drive you insane | I loathe those Frelling things! If only I knew how to remove them.



==Previous Versions by Bryant Malaski (Bryant.Malaski@gmail.com)==


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Removed Pirates | The game would tab out to an error box whenever attacking them. Didn't crash, but was annoying all the same

i set the pirate AI to off, replaced the fighters with Z95s, frigates with Venators, some other fighters with Y-wings. works pretty good. i stole the basic list of pirate spawns from the 'Empire at War' campaign in the campaigns file. i also replaced the pirate land forces with various regular units, except the pirate soldier squads. i replaced the pirate command center with a pirate-spawning version of the Rebel Barracks. (the pirate command center had a model, but it was unkillable for some reason and the battle wouldn't end.)


i also thought about a small universe, the current one is just too big for the limited content in the demo!




i may as well share one bug fix. the death clone of the millenium falcon has a 1.0 scale, while the millednium falcon has a 0.5 scale. this leads to the millenium falcon suddenly becoming much larger when it dies! ;)

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So that stops the Pirate error? If so, thanks for the tip. Maybe I'll make it 7 planets with Pirates right in the middle. Maybe 9 planets would be the sweet spot, anyone have any comments on that?


i may as well share one bug fix. the death clone of the millenium falcon has a 1.0 scale, while the millednium falcon has a 0.5 scale. this leads to the millenium falcon suddenly becoming much larger when it dies!
The Falcon actually dies!...Shocking!8P.gif
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Hey man great mod, it fixed the problems that i was having. I have one question though. Are you a pro imperial player? I have to ask because removing a unit just because the other side doesnt have one doesnt make sense and is against the nature of war. If your going to remove the rebel tank abilities because the imps dont have them, then there are several other abilities that should be removed because they dont exist on both sides: Get rid of all SD's because the rebs dont have any carrier ships, get rid of AT-ATs because the rebs dont have any super heavy land units, get rid of Moncal cruisers because the imps dont have any ships whose shield generators cant be destroyed, get rid of reb fighters because the imps dont have any fighters that are hyperspace capable(yes they do have the TIE scouts, but those cant fight for crap!), and get rid of all heroes because they dont match up equally in terms of abilities. Basically if you kept pairing down the units until you were left only with equal units there would only 6 units usable in the game; Tartans and corellian corvettes, Marauders and Broadsides, and for ground Stormtroopers and rebel infantry.


War isnt about matching up equal sides like in chess, its about using what you have in a way that the enemy cant counter, or in which their own abilities are nullified. Like in WW2, American fighters couldn't dogfight Japanese Zeroes because of their maneuvarability, but they were much faster, so they would run out ahead spin around and come back in long passes, rendering the superior maneuvering useless. So Rather than get rid of the artillery weps because you dont have them, find a way to get in close so that they are useless.


Before i start getting flamed for this, i do like the mod, and im probably playing it right now. I just always wonder why people seem to want war games where the opposing armies are equal. If you can always match your opponent 1 to 1 on units and capabilities, then where is the challenge of coming up with a superior strategy to overcome their abilities since you can just hit them with the same thing they're hitting you with?

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I didn't want the armies equal per se, just balanced a bit.


The Artillery was basically never deployed by the AI, having it roll up right next to you just to sit there was silly.


I removed the rockets off the T4b cause the Turbolaser Tower's were dropping like flies. I'll probably add it back in though.

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Cool, like i said, i enjoy the mod, and ive been mostly playing as the rebellion so i hadnt encountered the T4s as enemies yet.

BTW: Got snowspeeders working by giving them the model that the ywing bombing run uses, but they're kinda a cheap unit since the ai doesnt have a working AA weapon. I'm trying to find a way to make the aa work

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Removed Rockets from T4B Tanks | Rebel AI used it like artillery on Turbolaser, staying out of range. No Imp unit can do that.

i dunno about this, i mean..






also one change maybe.. reduce turbolaser accuracy against hero units! it's kind of silly losing boba fett to a giant laser cannon. *g*


im looking into setting up extra factions, indpendent pirates with enabled galactic AI or 'imperial governor' players who will squat on systems and fight rebels but not be under empire-player control.


one change thats also kind of fun.. making fighters smaller with the scale controls. you cant make them too small or they're hard to see and hard to hit, but i think it looks cool. ;)

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I'm having a bit of trouble, the game is crashing for me as alliance when i try to invade a planet.
Got any specifics? What side were you playing, what troops were you invading with. Did you just drag your soldiers directly from their planet of origin, or move them into a space slot first?
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i moved the millenium falcon/han & chewie to dagobah and tried to invade with them. in previous versions this worked fine (i use han and chewie to grab as many neutral planets as i can before the empire gets them ;-) ), but this time a pop-up with an error message came up (didnt read the specifics, it had to do with the sweaw.exe), hit retry, and then windows told me the program had crashed.

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I've noticed the problem as well. Yeah clicking Cancel seems to always allow you to Tab back in and proceed normally. Also, if you use the RAID slot the exception doesn't pop up. Apparently only happens when playing Rebels, nothing noticed so far with Imperials.

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I have tried many times with different units. It doesnt matter what ground unit i use, or wether i drag em to orbit 1st, or directly onto the surface of any planet. The game crashes whever a ground battle is initiated for the rebellion. Otherwise its an Excellent mod ( especially for the Empire fans :p ).


Edit: didnt see the alt-tab/cancel option. will try that.

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My favorite thing about this version would be the Snowspeeder vehicles, and the Pirates. I had a great time testing the Pirate Star Base, first time the Cinematic View actually worked smooth and flawless(was an awesome battle).


If you find any new bugs, please let me know.

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