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RSF Droid module mission #3 - Lock out glitch?


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I think I may be screwed as far as completing this...any help is appreciated...


After accepting the 3rd RSF droid module mission, I headed to Deeja Peak to talk to Dr. Hudmasse....for some reason, in the Tempest universe, Deja Peak is staffed with lvl 50 and 55 storm troopers.....who promptly killed me while I was trying to accept the mission. Now, Huddmasse won't talk to me, Borvo won't talk to me (I think he was the next contact based on doing this with another character a few days back), and the RSF computer will not allow me to reset or change missions....my journal shows nothing now, so there is no way to "abort" or "delete" mission....Am I screwed or is there some way to get back on track?

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put in a ticket explaining your situation.....adn make sure youre on leave next time.


if its no longer in your journal then getting the RSF computer to allow you to take the mission si important. in the interim, take the next set of missions as you dont need to do them in order.

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Well, I submitted a ticket about this...and got back a response that said something to the effect that "tickets" were not for technical or game issues, etc....which led me to wonder what the hell they were for.....As for getting the next mission, I can't because tthe computer wants me to finish mission 3 before assigning me mission 4...and since I cannot "delete" the mission, I cannot wipe my journal clear and start again....doesn't bother me too much...just more worthless loot that I'll end up destroying because of "no trade" rules....I mean, what is a smuggler gonna do with a droideka sheild schematic?


I had a similar prob with my other character....Went to Corellia and talked to those shipwrights in front of the starport, thinking that maybe it was a quest that would lead to blueprints....but no, it was a trader mission with the first objective being "Make a generic Crafting tool"....again....how is a smuggler gonna do that? This is one another of those quest that you cannot delete, so I guess I will be seeing that objective on my screen forever now.

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check the SOE forums for a work around and Tickets are for when you are stuck in just such a situation. but definatly head to the game hints and tips section. im not an expert on such things, but there are several on there that can help.


the guys in front of the starport are a hold over from prenge when pretty much anyone could craft things if they wanted to without much of a hassel.

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I wish they would go back to crafting as a "secondary" profession.....as least in a limited fashion...perhaps access to clothes and weapons specific to your professions...with maybe limited colors for the player...or limited attributes (True full fledged crafters would be able to make *better* or more colorful stuff)....especially in the case of the ithorian or wookiee, it can take alot of searching to find products for your char, if anyone has them at all!


Also, I hope the decay idea comes back.....I guess I'm lucky it's not on now...but it's needed if crafting is to be a essential part of the game, which I think it should....It's actaully more fun that you think...just takes forever to lvl.

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to many people, including myself, Crafting was never a Secondary, but a Primary profession with Combat being a way to bring in materials, set harvs, ect.


the problem with making your suggestion a reality is that it would give the final blow to an already near dead set of professions. most players I tailor for 7/10 just want black....and im being generous on the numbers. I even had a person ask for a black ring....sigh...you dont even see that on the toon...

taking an already hurting profession, tailor for instance, then dividing up some of hte schems to combat toons, but limiting the pallets will only...and I stress this...only encourage the developers to seriously consider removing them from the game entirely.


as for finding items...hit the bazaar....look at the creator names if you dont find what youre looking for and send them a tell. As a long time Tailor I can tell you that wookie and ithorian specific clothing (even when jacked up with the old tissues) can and will sit on a vendor for a long long long long long time. That adn the fact that those two species tend to have players looking for specific color schemes that a tailor can hardly ever come up with while crafting stock....its why you mostly see just basic colors for sail. a few crafters with extra time will experiment, but Ive seen those experiments gather dust restock after restock.


when the CU hit I lost close to 3 million in BE'd wookie/ithoran clothing not to mention the standard styles, but I was never opposed to doing a custom order for regurlar price....if i had to travel to bring it i would add my travel costs....even if i used my own ship as it takes time.


as for decay...it never affected clothing...ever.....but we seem to have gone way off topic...in fact, these two posts could actually be split into a new one.

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