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Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Milky is going to kill me for this - but i have to say i dont trust napster with the files coming from other peoples computers it is easy to get viruses - yeah i no what u r going to say - get a virus checker or "they scan for viruses - ive heard it all before - the other problem i have it their stupidity -they are having this big row with the american courts over this when they could solve the problem by using freeloaders system(they put adverts everywhere and you click on the banner ads to get credits - this way they get money then they pay money to the music companies - the american courts to force the music companies to sell the music to them or something like that and im sure that the record companies would do this anyway - they still get their money for each download and it costs less because they dont have to CDS produced if Napster was more like this i might use it but i the moment i think anyone that does use it is stupid! What do you all think



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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I use Napster, but I don't care if it's gone: there are many other music "sharing" devices out there... biggrin.gif

but I don't need Napster, when I really want a music I just go buy the whole Album, I know where I can get any album on CD and more for the unbeatable price of 2$... biggrin.gif. One thing that's cool I can get MP3 CD's of an artist with every music of every single album that he released for 5$.... cool.gif

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I suppose it could be possible to launch a viral attack using the connection between comps, but sending an infected file just isn't possible. I don't think you can make an mp3 infected...

You seem to have gotten it wrong. Napster is moving to a subscription where you pay for a month of downloads at a time. At least that's the last I have heard. I never heard anything about banners or nuthin'.

The courts aren't forcing the labels to sell anything to Napster. They're trying to shut Napster down (I don't consider it trying anymore. They DID shut them down more or less). And no, the record labels wouldn't do sell anyone the rights to distribute their music. That defeats the purpose of being a record label, which one of the things you do is distribute music. That would be like Burger King putting up McDonald's promo stuff in Burger Kings. You'd be literally pushing business away to your competitors.

CDs are phenomenally cheap to make, the physical manufacture of a CD that is. They would still have to make CDs regardless if there was some form of online distribution of music. The vast majority of people aren't online and thus would rely on CDs for music and most people online don't have fast, reliable connections to make it worth the time to get an MP3 off of Napster.


A side note: I used to think the arguement that mp3s in general were making CD sales go up was a bunch of crap. However...one day I started to REALLY get mp3s a lot. That was a few months ago. As I got more and more mp3s I started to find bands I liked that I didn't really listen to before. I have bought more CDs in so far in 2001 (four CDs) than I bought in ALL of 2000 (two). So, my opinion on that changed.

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you ignorant slut!


mp3 are very very very unlikely to contain any kind of virus, and I'm pretty sure only if they are some other kind of file and someone changes the extension to .mp3.


rest easy, my young apprentice.

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Guest Rogue 9

Because I live to make people worry about there security...while an mp3 audio file can not transmit a virus, a Wrapster file, which appears to be an MP3 file can trasmit them, so live in fear, or just decide you don't care and use napster anyway biggrin.gif that is all

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

firstly the banner ad idea was a way for napster to give free music away legally im not saying they are doing that im just saying that it would be a good idea - the other point about viruses is that when email first came out everyone said that it couldnt carry viruses but then they added things like attechments and windows script etc and it allowed them to carry viruses - its not to hard to disgise a virus as a mp3 and it would spread very quickly.



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest Rogue 9

and to quote from my earlier post it is quite possible to get a virus from napster biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Rogue 9:

Because I live to make people worry about there security...while an mp3 audio file can not transmit a virus, a Wrapster file, which appears to be an MP3 file can trasmit them, so live in fear, or just decide you don't care and use napster anyway biggrin.gif that is all



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Guest Jabba The Hunt




"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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