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Guest Plasmo

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Guest Imladil Thrustweasel

I wonder how long it's been since I used this puppet...


*(Looks over.)*


Hee-hee-hee. Can't wait to see my old signature, too! biggrin.gif



"...SSD, VSD, ISD. If it looks like pizza, but I don't want none--it's a star destroyer."

--Some pink monkey in a pressure suit.

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I have always been here.


<SMALL>Disclaimer: This is not Zoomie's post.</small>



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Plasmo





There, now I fell better that I've killed all of your eardrums!! biggrin.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Redwing

Good for you Nine.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Good for you Nine.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Don't mind the dung--it's good fertilizer!


Say, anyone mind if my camel smokes? It might help cover her own stench a bit...

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Don't mind the dung--it's good fertilizer!


Say, anyone mind if my camel smokes? It might help cover her own stench a bit...

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