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System Requirement--LIES!

Guest Scoundrel67

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Guest Hans The Great

Scoundrel67, why do you think developers are rushing to build consol games. They make more money and they don't have to work as hard. smile.gif


I began to notice how lazy developers are getting a few years back, when I bought a simple pinball game and I had to download 2 patches to get it to work! Now that is an accepted practice.


I don't know of any other industry where you can sell someone a product that you know is not fully functional and you don't get hauled into court.



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Guest Rogue 9

Nope, its a Custom designed Compaq with Win 98 SE



"With only two parents and a handful of siblings, Is it any wonder that humans are so obsessed with finding love?" -- Fragment of a Than-Thre-Kull anthropology text

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