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Cable Modems and servers

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

right i should be able to download at about 60k/sec which is quite a nice speed but some servers out there only give me download info at 10k or even lower i had one today going at 128 bytes a sec (i cancled it) anyway there was this movie i wanted to download and i couldnt find a good server to get it from and i had to have it going over night - not a problem you think however - one the fan on mine is very noisey 2 my sister had left msn messenger log on 3 one of her friend logged on a 11:40 at night 4 he contacted her 5 someone had left the speakers turned all the way up 6 the computer is in my room - ok so my complaints are 1 having to download over night and 2 sisters that forget to log out of msn!!!



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Originally posted by Admiral Zaarin:

Just one helpful suggestion, Jabba. Punctuation, capitalisation, grammar, etc, do help."


You forgot to mention that a brain helps too.



"Face down on the floor, both of you right now! The first person who comes out this *BEEP*ing door gets a, gets a LEAD SALAD!"

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

right i should be able to download at about 60k/sec which is quite a nice speed but some servers out there only give me download info at 10k or even lower i had one today going at 128 bytes a sec (i cancled it) anyway there was this movie i wanted to download and i couldnt find a good server to get it from and i had to have it going over night - not a problem you think however - one the fan on mine is very noisey 2 my sister had left msn messenger log on 3 one of her friend logged on a 11:40 at night 4 he contacted her 5 someone had left the speakers turned all the way up 6 the computer is in my room - ok so my complaints are 1 having to download over night and 2 sisters that forget to log out of msn!!!





Right i should be able to download at about 60k/sec, which is quite a nice speed, but some servers out there only give me download info at 10k or even lower, I had one today going at 128 bytes a sec! (i cancled it). Anyway there was this movie i wanted to download and i couldnt find a good server to get it from. I had to have it going over night - not a problem you think, however -


1. The fan on mine is very noisey

2. My sister had left msn messenger log on

3. One of her friend logged on a 11:40 at night

4. He contacted her 5 someone had left the speakers turned all the way up 6 the computer is in my room


Ok so my complaints are:


1. Having to download over night

2. Sisters that forget to log out of msn!!!





That easier to understand?


[This message has been edited by KNIGHT_FEDAYKIN (edited March 26, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ah now this is what my thread was orignally about - ntl: the company that provides my internet service have 1 cable modem and 2 speeds basically u = pay more money u = get faster modem (like milky) my dad = not got huge amounts of money (like 20 £ a month) so i only get 64k sent down my line



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ah now this is what my thread was orignally about - ntl: the company that provides my internet service have 1 cable modem and 2 speeds basically u = pay more money u = get faster modem (like milky) my dad = not got huge amounts of money (like 20 £ a month) so i only get 64k sent down my line



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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20 £ a month

Err, I'm not terribly up-to-date on conversion rates, but isn't 20£ like, not enough to support a family for a month?



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Guest Rogue 9

*Inane Look on Face*



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Guest Jabba The Hunt

either way (i thought 20 pounds was about 30 dollars) we cant pay for fast line so ntl only send us 64 k a sec its a way for them to get more money



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah england sux as far as new tech is concerned



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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i'll have to check this out...last time I looked the dollar was pretty strong and there were only like two things higher (German money and the Euro I believe).



it would appear the dollar has slipped SIGNIFICANTLY in the last week:

20 US Dollar = 13.96785 British Pound

20 British Pound (GBP) = 28.63720 US Dollar (USD)


Since the US's money's value is based on the method "we say it's worth a lot" not sissy things like "gold" or "GNP," I think it's time we go flex our military muscle and drive the dollar up.


[This message has been edited by Nute Gunray (edited March 28, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

if you think the Euro is higher than the dollar then the american economy has really fallen Euros are more or less worth less!!! and if you have been listening to the news you should know that there are fears of the american economy going into reccession and that would not just effect you guys but it would effect us because after WWII you tied us into your economy



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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