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Starter kit or full experience?


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I played the trial for a whilte now and soon I will buy the real version of the game, but my question is. Which should I buy?

Since I saw there is Starter Kit and Full Experience, what is the difference between both of them?

I guess full experiene will be best to buy? but some people told me that the Starter Kit only has the NGE system or something?


Could someone inform me some more about this?



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i still aint sure why the starter kits better but all of the packs ae the same in game content because its more a licsense to play the game on their servers rather than a game itself on the disc. the total eperience comes with free BARC speeder and the starter kit gives you an instant travel thing, the nge is just the new game experience, bassically people think it ruined the game, it cut 36 proffesions down to 9 and jedi is instantly playable, i urge you not to be jedi.

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Well I didn't, I've ordered the Starter Kit on the internet and should get it in two to three days from now. Can't wait to play.

Also I'm playing the trial currently, would I be able to continiue playing with this character when I get the real version? Or do I have to create a whole new character?

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I won't be able to get the Starter Kit or Full Experience, the only version of the game I found avaible was A Empire Divided, should I buy this one instead? Since I've heard when you buy the Starter Kit you will get a reward and also in full experience you get the BARAC or somehting. Doesn't A Empire Divided contain this?

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An Empire Divided: was the standard game disks...no special rewards...just the game (does not include Jump to lightspeed, Wookie world, or Lava world)

An Empire Divided..Collectors edition: Standard Game, but with the special reward of getting eyewear. (does not include Jump to lightspeed, Wookie world, or Lava world)

-I believe there is also a japanese version of this with different eyewear....

--eyewear is non-tradable


Jump to lightspeed: the space expansion

-Preorders got the Flash speeder non-Tradable

-six month reward is the Sorrosub Yacht. not sure if this is still being offered...could be though. ive gotten one with every character on any server...non-tradable


The Total Experience: contained standard game+JTL+Wookieworld. buyers got the BARC speeder as a reward for buying retail. (NOTE: only one BARC per account. Tradable)

Rage of the Wookies Digital Download: what many people got since they already had the standard game and JTL....preorders recieved a varactyl mount. tradable


Trials of Obi Won digital Download: as far as i know there is no retail version and only online. preorders got a lava skiff and bunker house (both non-tradeble and only one per account). I believe anyone who purchases the download gets a lava flea including those who pre ordered.


SWG Starter Kit: i think this includes just the standard game and JTL...or Just the station things and youll have to download the rest upon subscription....the reward for this is the instant travel thingee. Im not sure if its tradeable or not and i havnt seen one yet.


also keep in mind...the older the version you are buying..the longer it will take to download to catch up.

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