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Boot Camp

Guest Rogue 9

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I'm in favor of banning the recruit for rambling!


Recruit Rambler, you...are...banned. biggrin.gif


(Joking! wink.gif You have to be an idiot to get yourself banned here.)

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Guest Rogue 9

life is lots of fun when you combine TV, Paintballing and 4 Wheeling together and make your own spoofs on you iMac. biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by DragonT:

That is one problem with reality TV. Unless you've been there and have had a Drill Instructor up in your face screaming his lungs out you can't know the reality of the situation.


Been there, went to a private military school last yr( no, not because i was a deliquet(SP)), although its less tame than what goes on in Bootcamp,the intimidation was still there...and i still had a blast watching it





Boo!..admit it. i scared the living sh*t out of you.

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. CHINESE PROVERB

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Guest DragonT

Bet you appreciate it all the more cause you can say "been there, done that" though.


I no longer sign posts - at the request of Psycho Tycho. If you wanna know who I am, look over there

<----- (Well, not exactly right there, but somewhere round abouts)

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Navy boot camp was a lot easier than field medical service school (a USMC course.)


Marines?!? eek5.gif That's right. Don't **** with me.



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