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Guest Redwing

I liked him especially in I'll Met by Moonlight (did I get the ep name right?) when he soundly defeated all the gargoyles at a newborn's magical power level. But I thought his "little" temper tantrum over Manhattan fell flat because they made him far too weak.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Muhahahahahaha, top ten/whatever lists... biggrin.gif



Here's my favorite: The Top Ten Star Wars Trilogy References in



10. Oberon's use of grab-the-laser-gun-from-David Xanatos-across-the- room trick.


Vader's use of grab-the-blaster-from-Han-Solo-from-across-the-room trick


9. Oberon: "But my pet and I have pressing business within."

XE Guard: "You have business inside."

Oberon: "And you have other matters to attend to."

Guard: "I have other things to do."


Obi-wan: "These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Storm trooper: "These aren't the droids we're looking for."

Obi-wan: "He can go about his business."

Storm trooper: "You can go about your business."


8. Leia's Hologram: "You fought with my father in the Clone Wars."


Brooklyn: "Yeah, but...Thailog was killed in the Clone Wars."

(Does Puck watch Star Wars? biggrin.gif )


7. Angela: "Elisa...is Demona my mother?"

Elisa: "Yes. She is."


Luke: "Master Yoda, I have to know...is Vader my father?"

Yoda: "Your father he is."


6. Brooklyn: "You've got a lot of nerve coming back here."


Lando: "You've got a lot of nerve showing your face around here."


5. Demona: "I don't know who's the bigger fool -- him for leading, you for following, or me for not leaving you both!"


Obi-Wan: "Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fool who follows him?"


4. Una: "Oh, Griff, why did you have to be so brave?"


C-3P0: "R2, why did you have to be so brave?"


3. Demona: "Demona...I like the sound of that."


Han Solo: "Scoundrel. Scoundrel! I think I like the sound of that."


2. Angela: "Father, protect me!"


Luke: "Father, please!"


And the #1 Star Wars/Gargoyles Reference:


1. Brooklyn: "Use the force, Lex!" (Need we say more?)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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I particularly like the All I Need to Know, I Learned From Gagoyles page that I found a few years back. My favourite was:


"Never underestimate the hidden powers of the quiet, efficient guy with the glasses."


<small>You kinda have to see me in person to get why I like it.</small>




"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Redwing

Next TT list: Top Forty Lines Unheard on Gargoyles:

#40: Lexington to a computer: "I don't get it."

#39: Broadway: "I'm not hungry."

#38: Xanatos: "What am I supposed to do?"

#37: Demona: "Okay."

#36: Elisa to Matt: "I believe in them, too!"

#35: Elisa to Jason: "Yes!"

#34: Xanatos: "I utterly and completely LOST!"

#33: Owen: "Ha ha ha!"

#32: Hudson: "Let's go out and do something tonight."

#31: Broadway: "Nah, I've already seen it once. Why go out again?"

#30: Brooklyn: "Your turn! Here you go."

#29: Brooklyn: "I'm sorry, I just don't feel that way about you."

#28: Angela: "I know where Avalon sent us this time!"

#27: Demona: "I'm sorry."

#26: Margot: "Well done, Brendan! I'm quite impressed!"

#25: Puck: "But Oberon said not to!"

#24: Goliath: "It's only a life."

#23: Oberon: "I don't really care. Do whatever."

#22: One of Xanatos' Commando soldiers: "I love my job."

#21: Luna to other Sisters: "I don't agree! You're wrong!"

#20: Phoebe to other Sisters: "I'd appreciate being allowed to finish my own sentences once in a while. That wasn't what I was

going to say!"

#19: Selene to other Sisters: "Can't you two get a different haircut or something, at least?"

#18: Luna to other Sisters: "What are we supposed to be doing here, anyway? And why? I forgot."

#17: Cagney: "Hello, Elisa! How was work today?"

#16: Renard: "I lied."

#15: Banshee: "Does anyone know where the cough drops are?"

#14: Goliath: "I know! We can throw a party!"

#13: Angela: "DIE!!!"

#12: Goliath: "How much for the bazooka?"

#11: Demona: "I give up. You win."

#10: Goliath: "Because I'm bigger, that's why!"

#9: Elisa: "I hate gargoyles!"

#8: Chavez: "I'm just going to lie back and relax, okay?"

#7: Elisa: "I'm going to bed."

#6: Goliath: "We defeated them once, but I don't think we can do it again."

#5: Delilah: "Okay everyone, listen up! This is what we're gonna do!"

#4: Nessie: "Oh, shut up and stop babbling, Angela!"

#3: Servarius: "That's so sweet! They're making friends! Oh--let's just let them both go." #2: Claw: "Hi, everyone!"

#1: Goliath: Starts singing "Copa Cabana."



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.


[This message has been edited by Redwing (edited April 15, 2001).]

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