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Force Bond for KoTor & Lightsaber question


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Having played through both TSL and KoToR recently (again) I was wondering if a couple of things would be possible.


In KoToR, Bastilla and your PC are supposed to share a force bond. In TSL Kreia and your PC share a force bond. I was wondering if it would be at all possible to copy (from scratch, not directly port) the power from TSL that enables any power used by the PC to affect the NPC, with whom he/she shares the bond, and visa versa.

So for instance if Bastislla uses Force Speed, your character would be affected too.


As for the lightsabers, I was wondering if it was at all possible to have different on/off sounds according to which crystal is in the hilt. I know there's been a mod which changes the sound of the 3 different saber types. But was wondering if it could be done by crystal colour.





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In KoToR, Bastilla and your PC are supposed to share a force bond. In TSL Kreia and your PC share a force bond. I was wondering if it would be at all possible to copy (from scratch, not directly port) the power from TSL that enables any power used by the PC to affect the NPC, with whom he/she shares the bond, and visa versa.

So for instance if Bastislla uses Force Speed, your character would be affected too.


This should be possible without any problems. The "Force Chain" feat in TSL doesn't actually do anything by itself. The actual work is done in the impact script for all the defensive/buff force powers. The script checks if the force user has the Force Chain feat, and applies the power effect to all others who have it.


So, all you'd have to do would be to add a new passive feat to feat.2da and then modify k_inc_force.nss to make all defense/buff powers check for that feat (and recompile k_sp1_generic to make the changes take effect).

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