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I was demanded

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Today I was demanded by Jar Jar Binks for the accident with the AT-AT. He say that is not the first time that a thing like this happen. Is posible that I will loss my AT-AT frown.gif



"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

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My defense will say that the problem is that the city hasn´t clear ways for heavy walkers, so I had to choose another way.

The black box of the AT-AT as a proof that I use the laser to try to wake up Jar Jar.

I can win smile.gif



"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

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<small>How are you gentlemen!!

Someone set up us the bomb!

You know what you doing!

You have no chance to survive make your time!

Ha ha ha ha ha!</small>



Official Forum Lord of Salmon

and Emmisary of Goats

For the love of Goat!<small>


[This message has been edited by TheRogue 3000 (edited April 21, 2001).]

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