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PLEASE can someone make MP Campaign with no pirates


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I would be for ever grateful is someone could mod the official MP campaign maps to remove pirates from the universe. They are currently far too powerful and ruin the game via autoresolve.


Is this easy to do? If so, I would love to know how and I'll do it myself :)


Also, if someone could make a map with all the planets and no pirates I'd be in heaven!!

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Don't do autoresolve unless you have a really good force.


You dont have that choice in multiplayer.


As soon as you move over a planet owned by pirates it autoresolves instantly. What would be nice is a map that doesnt have any pirates so that this feature wouldnt be a problem!

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OK, I've extracted the .xml files and found the file called "Campaigns_multiplayer.xml". I've opened it and it lists "Pirate starting forces". I have deleted these, but am stuck on what to do with the xml files to make them appear as a "Custom Map" within the multiplayer game menu.


What do I do next?

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There is no way of making it appear under custom maps, to my knowledge. Lucas Arts will be releasing an editing program to make your own maps and I assume that will come with the ability to make them appear under custom maps. Until that time you will have to just stick with replacing official maps.

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