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Decreasing Accuracy of tartan&CCorvette


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I think tartan cruisers and corellian corvettes wipe fighters out way to easy. If you send your fighters in, in 2 minutes you lose all of them! That's why I want to decrease their accuracy a bit.

How can I do that? Which XML is to changed and where?


I found something in hardpoints.xml, but I'm not sure what "Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance" means.


Can anyone help me?





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You go to spaceunitscorvettes.xml and then you will see the innacuracy for fighters. Just increase it.


I can't find anything about accuracy for Tartan in spaceunitcorvettes.xml. In this xml only the used hardpoints are showed.


Despite, you mean, that increasing "Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance" in hardpoint.xml will decrease the accuracy of the ship's weapons?

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